Hopefully this post will end the string of comments regarding Jsefcik's Sig.
I did some research and I found out that The SP2340 has a history of "explosive" malfunctions. That's why Sig Sauer stopped making them. So, what happened to Jsefcik isn't unusual for this model of firearm.
Though you may not have any pictures personally, there are lots of pictures on the internet of chamber "explosions." One of them is bound to look like what happened to your gun.
I could very well be in the hospital right now Wow, that was a pretty close call. At least you had the presence of mind to kneel down, I know some guys who probably would have invited their buddies over, crowded around it, and tossed firecrackers into it while it was spinning. P.S. Not only are we ...
I was looking for a new phone, I want something with a keyboard, and android. I saw this HTC; (Chacha) Dunno if this is a ladyphone, but apart from the gay name and FB-button it seems pretty appealing :D I will have to handle it in a different way than my current phone tough, I don't think this one...
jakethebeast wrote:My friend has 46 REAL japanese weapons in hes collection, oldest are over thousand years old. He has earned all of them, the collection is worth millions
I am just a tiny bit envious... Does he have a website where they are displayed?
Hey man, I have some snake oil, are you interested? No thanks, I might tread on uncertain ground, but I take as little quack medicine as possible. If you want proof, here you go. http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n603/danielrowell/OpelT1.jpg It's a stripped-down Opel T1 that got 376 MPG in a 1973...
Isn't it possible to build a very efficient car that looks (more or less) like a normal car? I've heard that many of the attempts to build super-efficient cars were... um... disliked by the oil corporations. That's probably why there aren't many super-efficient, normal-looking cars available today....
That's just beautiful, honestly if I could strip off the body panels from my landy I would. Your affinity for the Aeriel Atom indicates you know what I mean :D I know exactly what you mean. Oh, and it's the 500 horsepower version of the Atom, by the way. :twisted: P.S. While we're on the subject of...
Wow, it stinks about what happened to your eye. Does it hurt when you look at bright lights since it's permanently dilated? As a side note, I've never had something like this happen to me (although one of my friends was hit in the eye with a velcro dart once...Ouch), but I did have an experience wit...