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- Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:52 pm
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Howdy Gents! Don't remember the last time I signed into the files and made a post. Honestly, I'm surprised I even remembered my pword :lol: Interested to see who all is still active on here from the old days! @PCGuy I like what you've done with the place! Anywho, I want to drop a quick thanks to eve...
- Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:09 pm
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Re: Re:
Thank you all for the support 8-) honestly pretty surprised to hear back from all of you so quickly haha! With your ever expanding knowledge and access to materials and tools, you'd think there are a few spudding projects knocking about in the works... NOW BUILD SOMETHING! :D Who ever said I stopped...
- Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:33 am
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Re: On Suckering In a New Generation of Spudders
Sums it up pretty well. We are basically a dying breed; the new generations don't care about putting any effort or thought into anything anymorewyz2285 wrote:in a time when everyone is running around playing Pokemon Go it's not going to be the same, no matter how we advertise spudding.