Components look good, you are filling from trigger valve (P). This is how I run mine QEV.jpg Trigger valve is normally open then blocks air feed and dumps P port to atmosphere to fire QEV. I think maybe you need to flip the connections on the MJVO-3. Hmmm, now I look at the connection diagram it app...
I've had that happen before, I put a T near the end of the magazine tube and supplied it with a small amount of air from the barrel (another T)
Sort of like this
No idea if it will work, but tinkering is a huge component of this hobby. Thanks! That's pretty much how I do it. I have added another T to that which makes it easier to load, I will do some videos some time, still settling in to a new house.
It's something I've often pondered but never actually made. Here are some very old (2004!) concept drawings, at the time I was interested not only in reliable feed but also having a way top control the rate of fire as well as reducing wasted air.