camera projectile

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Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:33 am

What's wrong with the wather rocket idea?
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Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:44 pm

saladtossser wrote:i'll test with a even crappier camera

but, the question is, how much acceleration can i expect? and how much is too bad for the hardware?
i dont expect the acceleration would do much harm,just the impact on landing,and with the spring thingy's i dont think it should bounce allot on landing because that could cause alot of g's mabey rather have something like a spear that will peg into the ground when it hits.

and i highly dought that they would give cameras to crash test dummies to test the g force surviviblity of the camera, it would be cool though.
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Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:55 pm

thx boilingleadbath for the math equation, my own calculation gave me 1500 Gs :shock:

assuming my barrel is 1.5 meters, with a muzzel velocity of 134 meters per sec, means it took roughly 0.01 sec to exit the barrel
equals 5985m/s^2 , meaning 610 Gs. :shock:
boilingleadbath wrote:Eletronic circits can survive thousands. However, a camera is not just a circitboard... I'll limmit my responses to "maybe"
Another concern would be the battery contacts disconnecting for a moment on launch... that could cause problems.
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Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:14 pm

If your camera is still considered "good" and/or "expensive", you could always try the CVS brand digital cameras, i think they also sell ones that can record video. Ive also heard that you can "hack" the camera and give it a USB connection to a computer so you dont have to go back to CVS.

Edit: Links
Serial Port Adapter
USB Adapter
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Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:03 pm

You should add a parachute to the consept. One that's open on the highest point. Not to difficult to make, if you dont know how, i'll give plans ont that one.

Anyway, that way you are a 100 % sure your camera isn't destroyed.

Used that concept woth my water rocket to. Para opens on apex, to have a maximum hight, and a save recovery.
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