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Mighty Putty

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:07 pm
by TurboSuper
So I was watching the teevee today, when an ad comes on for "Mighty Putty". Apparently, it's this two part solid epoxy you mix through kneading, and then it can stick pretty much anything to anything, with amazing strength.

Here's the site:

Now, I usually don't pay much attention to this kind of thing, but it is still epoxy, which should give it some merit over the standard variety of "magical" adhesives.

Has anyone tried this? Do you think it would be good for adding mods/sealing holes on a spudgun? Usually this stuff is used industrially for a while before it gets filtered down to the consumer I was wondering.[/i]

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:10 pm
by tmacd995
Is that the one with the chain and the 18 wheeler in the commercial?
I am usually very suspicious of these things... especially since there is already so many great types of epoxy available for a lot cheaper.

But I encourage you too buy some so that you can test it :)

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:17 pm
by jook13
The website says "Holds up to 350 pounds! "
Most of the epoxies I have seen at the stores have a claimed strength of over 2000 pounds. I dont know, judging by that, it doesnt seem too strong.

I guess there are pluses for using a putty verses a liquid epoxy, but if I have to give up strength I wont mess with it.

It seems to me that it is designed for filling cracks and that kind of thing, not for holding pressure.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:17 pm
by clide
Although not this brand, they sell putty epoxies at most hardware stores (even Wal-mart). They are convenient because they aren't as messy as the liquid stuff, but they don't seems to stick as well to stuff as liquid epoxies.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:18 pm
by nivekatoz
Epoxy puddy is all the same.. You can get it at any hardwear store or auto store..

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:26 pm
by TurboSuper
Hrm, so I guess it would be handy for adding pistol grips and such to a spudgun without unsightly pipe straps.

I've never seen it at any of the hardware stores here...mabye I'm not looking hard enough :P

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:47 am
by jrrdw
The guy pitching this stuff is trying to be the next Ron Propele (sp). He's got a few different things/inventions patented so far. Oxi Clean is one of them. I'd be leary of anything from this guy. It seems to me he's a get rich quick kinda guy selling cheezy items.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:05 pm
by OuchProgramme
TurboSuper wrote:Hrm, so I guess it would be handy for adding pistol grips and such to a spudgun without unsightly pipe straps.
Yeah, epoxy putties aren't the best at sealing because its a dry mixture.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:10 pm
by rcman50166
Ugh... I hate Billy Mayes. (The spokesperson that you probably saw on T.V.) He shouts the entire time and they still haven't replaced him. Anyway a good use for epoxy putty would be to join pvc together where hose fasteners are traditionally used.