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12 Gauge Shotshell hull nail dart.
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:44 pm
by boyntonstu
This dart is almost a perfect fit in 3/4" Type L copper tubing.
This photo shows the brass ring, but it was cut off prior to shooting.
The weight is 212 gr with a 10d nail.
Chronograph result was 656 fps at 600 psi.
A hole in one! The nail went through the plywood behind this board.
The blowout at the rear. I stuck the hull into the hole for the photo. It actually bounced away.
What happened to the hull on impact.
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:02 pm
by dla888
Do you just stick the nail through the primer hole? Or did you use some glue or epoxy or something to hold the nail in place?
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:29 pm
by Mr.Sandman
Nice work as always boyntonstu i really like your work in the diy darts. I never knew shotshells fit snugly into any size of commercially available copper pipe, now I have an idea.
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:54 pm
by boyntonstu
Mr.Sandman wrote:Nice work as always boyntonstu i really like your work in the diy darts. I never knew shotshells fit snugly into any size of commercially available copper pipe, now I have an idea.
I used hot glue to attach the 10d nail to the hull.
A glass marble can be used instead of a nail makes a 160 gr round nosed projectile.
I shot one at 712 fps today for 180 FPE.
A BIG find today!
I discovered that by using a heat gun on the steel end cap of the hull just enough to make the plastic begin to flow, I could twist the steel off with a pair of pliers.
No more metal grinding for me!
Just 30 seconds and you have an almost perfect tail in your hands.
Use a bench grinder for another 10 seconds to trim away the plastic bulge.
I keep a 2" length of barrel tubing next to the grinder as my fit tester.
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:44 pm
by Marffy
damn those are nice darts! i wish i had a shotgun.
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:58 am
by ThegunGuy
Shotgun shells are nice because you can put almost any kind of payload into it. And then when the shell is all torn up weld a nail to a few washers hot glue it in and you have a dart. I've only used them as lawn darts though.