why are you terrified , its in my dads name, but its my cash
Ive been around guns since i was 5, i know what im doing
And you're getting a tattoo related to you "son", right?
Gee, how old were you when he was born/conceived? You're awfully young to have a kid if you can't even buy guns yet. Or is it that you're a convicted felon and can't purchase your own firearms?
Either way, I must encourage you to keep up the good work. Your maintenance of plausible deniability (as regards what is likely trolling on your part) for this long is quite impressive. On that note, I feel the need to recommend a career path; whether or not you're trolling, you would be a
fantastic politician.
Spudfiles' resident expert on all things that sail through the air at improbable speeds, trailing an incandescent wake of ionized air, dissociated polymers and metal oxides.