Most weed eaters are two strokes. This means that the engine runs on a fuel/oil mixture that lubricates everything and then get's burnt. They can run any direction so long as they have a diaphram carb and aren't leaking gas._Fnord wrote:Holy crap! The professor's back!
Where were you?
I don't think a weed wacker would have enough power to be very usefull.
Schmanman: That setup would get a bit hot after a while!
Better get a banana seat if you plan on doing that
Edit at Modder: Wouldn't turning a weed wacker on it's side cause problems with the engine? Do most modern weedwackers use a fuel/oil mix or do they have an oil reservoir? I made the mistake of tipping a lawnmower the wrong way and the oil got into the air filter, which caused it to start smoking horribly and shut off.
A 4 stroke, which is what a majority of lawnmowers are, must be run without being tilted since they crankcase has oil in it, and if it's tilted it can run away from the crank and camshafts, and burn up the engine.
Of course, there are 4 cycle string trimmers (Honda makes some I think), and 2 cycle lawnmowers (like older Lawnboys). But, it's easy to tell just by the sound alone. And if you can't tell, then you shouldn't be operating them in the first place.