mods, please change the font color dont know howhere it is, but warning!!!
Warning number
my older brother is a prison guard at a local prison, he talks to some inmates who respect him but still has his boundaries, and he looked at the one inmate, and said why does everybody call you spagetti man,
inmate goes you really wanna know, my brother says ya,
the inmate says well ive been in prison since 1981, and its for murder of my wife, my brother says ohhh ok, inmate goes and says ,my wife was a nagging, picky, bitchy, and i couldnt stand it anymore, so i killed her, cut her head off and froze it in the freezer, then skinned her, and used the muscles to make spagetti sauce and meatballs out of, and used her skin to cover stuffed peppers with, then called his wifes family over for dinner and said, my wife and i would like you guys to come over for dinner so they did, and he fed them the spagetti and stuffed peppers , , then he tells the family b4 they ate, his wife is going to be a lil late, then says , she be in a lil bit, after they beginning eating, he gets up and says shes here, and goes into the freezer and puts the head on the table,
thats a freaky story, think about your spagetti next time, my brother was like ok dude, thats freaky!!!!!!
second story, i came home from hunting and saw that there were many cops, ambulances, state cops, at my neighbors, and thought ok maybe he fell or had a heart attack, so i asked the cop and said what happened to frankie, and cop said nothing good, im was like ohh what happened, my neighbor said dude, he killed himself, i was like aww man, i saw a cop walk out the side of his house from underneath a awning, and saw poor frankie dead so horrible
Edited by jrrdw.