Secondedjackssmirkingrevenge wrote:Good on yaevilvet wrote:Completely off-topic and not really a topic at all but I JUST GOT A NEW CONTRACT and start Monday.
Even as a skilled younger bloke I'm having trouble, I've been looking for work for some 18 months, only work I can get is scab labour (no unions, and I'm big on unions) at Serco (call centre). I doubt they'd appreciate my lack of patience, general manner and incredibly broad 'Strayan accent.
Right now I'm chasing mine work about 400km from me, which means relocating on no budget, I've got no car, $600 in the bank, no valuables to my name, no credit history, and no stable income, so I'll sleep under a bridge for the first fortnight until I get a paycheck.
So I know how you feel mate