Bit late, the South Koreans deployed their similar K11 ages ago
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:23 pm
by Fnord
Looks a bit like a giant chunk of cast epoxy painted black...
Don't engineers today have any style?
If anime and video games have taught us anything, the more effective the weapon, the cooler it looks. No excuses.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:30 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Fnord wrote:Looks a bit like a giant chunk of cast epoxy painted black...
I'm guessing the one in the article is a mock-up or dummy, note how the ejection port doesn't seem to have a hinge
Unlike this one:
Defintiely looks cool/effective to me, and is that a carbon fibre shroud on the barrel
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:35 pm
by Gaderelguitarist
If anime and video games have taught us anything, the more effective the weapon, the cooler it looks
Basically, it needs a 5 foot bayonet that is 6 inches wide and forged from the supernatural mineral deposits of giant evil monsters.
Personally, I think it would look better in a camo paint rather than the flat black. There's just too many solid planes, so it does look like a big piece of vacuum-formed plastic.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:50 pm
by saefroch
Personally I find it quite interesting that the original link is from Fox News, while the Wikipedia article seems to me more informative (though there's nothing wrong with the Fox News article). Guess it does come in camo...
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:20 pm
by JDP12
yea the fox news article is more of a press release.
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:48 am
by ThornsofTime
Amassing system and all... but does it look like a super hi-tech paintball gun to anyone else??
@jsr yeah I was thinking it might be a dummy gun as well... speaking of the ejection port, I dont even see a seam around it that would indicate that it has the ability to even open! Me thinks this is a demo version only.
In the BAD ASS family of weapons tho... ill take this auto-shotty
The AA12 is a MONSTER
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:57 am
by Gaderelguitarist
Guess it does come in camo...
Well see that looks a lot more military and a lot less "Mom, I need more paint to cover my giant epoxy casting!"
Still needs the huge bayonet though....
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:37 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
ThornsofTime wrote:In the BAD ASS family of weapons tho... ill take this auto-shotty
It's about time they deployed this thing. True the K11 was deployed first, but seems overly complicated, also, the XM has been in testing for years, as to work out all the bugs. Remember when they deployed the M16? all kinds of issues popped up in the field. I think they learned their lesson, and wanted to work the bugs out of this thing before they sent them to every platoon in the field.
I think the XM fires larger shells than the K11 too. It has a dedicated role, unlike the K11, which doubles as a normal rifle (can you say "overcomplicated"?) I'd rather have a grenadier who's sole job is to take out the targets behind cover, while everyone else concentrates on picking off targets/laying suppression fire. Someone with a K11 has to factor in which round to use, a standard bullet or a grenade, whereas the soldier with an XM25 only has to stay on task.
It makes more sense to me. the less a soldier needs to ponder the situation, the quicker the job gets done. Warfare is a team effort anyways, so the K11 just seems excessive, imho. I would think the K11 would be best suited to a special forces type role, and the XM25 is suited to your average "boots on the ground" platoon. Two totally different animals in my book.
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:31 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Strange to see this as one of the featured articles on MSN, a section usually populated by articles such as "ten ways to make him please you" or "7 types of cushion you should avoid" or similar girly tripe.
Someone with a K11 has to factor in which round to use, a standard bullet or a grenade, whereas the soldier with an XM25 only has to stay on task.
Somewhat like the M79 gunners in Vietnam... but the M79 dedicated 40mm launcher has been forgotten in preference to the M203 underbarrel grenade launcher.
In that context, I wonder if they will develop a buckshot / flechette round for this thing as they had done for the M79.