Well it has been a few years but I had a few parts laying around and decided to have a go putting together a 20mm piston cannon. It's nothing that hasn't been posted here a million times but it kept me busy for a while. Still needs some work, a paint job for one. Making a suppressor at the moment as well as it is bloody loud.
Barrel: About 600mm of 14mm ID Aluminium
Chamber: 450mm of 20mm Gal Pipe
Piston: Wood (waxed then heated), o-ring seal
Operating Pressure: Usually around 200psi with a bike pump, will go higher when I put together a new fridge compressor.
Full Length:
Breech Closed:
Breech Open:
20mm Copper/Brass Piston Cannon
looks good. The piston looks very pretty.
Any chance of a video?
Any chance of a video?
jackssmirkingrevenge wrote:I wonder... if you put flammable vapours inside a lady... could you get her to diesel?
POLAND_SPUD wrote:Anything is possible with the proper 3-way valve.
Well this thing has been a pain in the ass, it has blown the seal off the face of the piston a few times, the piston went through the bumper and destroyed the ball valve another. So I ordered some HDPE rod and made up a nice new piston, redid the seat, and made a new bumper. Works perfectly now, even at very low psi. Still needs some paint, but im not too interested in how it looks.
Valve open:
Valve closed:
Full Length:
and a few test fires at 100psi:
Valve open:
Valve closed:
Full Length:
and a few test fires at 100psi:
- jackssmirkingrevenge
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Basic but well put together, good job what's inside the suppressor? Or is is just a hollow tube?
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
Sorry guys more pics, different barrel on it here. Few damage shots as well, ammo was marbles hotglued into the top of short lengths of conduit. Missed the target and it blew through the fence a few times.. wasn't expecting that haha.
Last edited by jmadden91 on Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
- jackssmirkingrevenge
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Excellent, mark of a true spudderjmadden91 wrote:Missed the target and it blew through the fence.. wasn't expecting that haha.
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life