Lately I've been wrecking my brain over a good concept for a spring loaded ball valve. Yes I have seen a couple on here but I'm looking to make something really nice and compact. Not just a rusty bolt through a piece of old ply.
From all of the research I've done, I really haven't seen any nice triggered ball valves on here. The main reason why I love the concept, is just the performance that it gives and the cheapness of it.
I have all the gear at hand to bust out something nice that rests on a sear and trigger, I just have to keep on working on it I guess....
If you don't speak fluent french, you will need a translator.
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:40 am
by CpTn_lAw
inonickname wrote:
[...] If you don't speak fluent french, you will need a translator.
Or i can help you with it, being french and all...
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:04 am
by geardog32
or use babel fish
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:17 am
by al-xg
This is the first spudgun I made with a spring powered ballvalve.
I'll try highlighting the mechanism in MS Paint as the picture is quite small.
If I was going to build this one again, I'd use a few more threaded fittings for maintainability.
Im not sure if you are interested, but i would look into pneumatic cylinders to actuate a ball valve. I have a bunch of cylinders lying around, i usually use them to move the parts of my breech (for my semi-autos) but it has just occured to me that they would do exactly what you are looking for. On top of it all, they are professional looking and can be compact. they also allow for electronic triggering. I can provide more info if you are interested.
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:10 am
by Mitchza89
Wow Jacob, great find mate! I reckon i'll definitely be fiddling with something like that.
Tom, that's a great idea. The only problem is the cost, I'm so strapped for cash at the moment
Re: Triggered ball valves (Spring loaded)
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 8:26 pm
by Jimmy1985
Seems to be an old post but here's what I came up with for a spring loaded ball valve with trigger and safety. [youtube][/youtube]