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Orbit Watermaster valve leaking brand new?
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:28 pm
by minuteman142
Just got 1" Orbit Watermaster sprinkler valve not modded yet and when I pump air using bike pump it leaks slowly out the other end resulting in no pressure. Wondering if it's normal to blow on one end of the valve and have the air come out on other end or do I need more pressure other than bike pump might I add this is brand new thanks.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:32 pm
by A-98
are you sure your chamber is on the correct side?
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:37 pm
by MrCrowley
It hard to get a solenoid to seal with a bike pump. You need like 15-20psi to make it seal,so either pump really fast or buy a cheap air compressor.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:11 am
by minuteman142
Yeah im sure it's the right way I followed the arrows. Is there any sprinkler valves that can seal at a lower pressure. thanks for all the help.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:42 am
by minuteman142
Just went to gas station and used there pump it held air but had hizzing leak is this as good as it gets or is there a problem. Air was coming out of hole not threads would stop if covered.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:10 am
by jrrdw
That sprinkler valve should hold 100 psi without any leaks. Did you mean it was leaking around the solenoid? Make sure the little bleeder valve is closed, if it is open, that will let it leak.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:24 pm
by Matheusilla
I have had the misfortune of purchasing a defective sprinkler valve (I believe it was a flowmaster, 3/4"). I thought the same things at the time so i dismantled the valve for a close look. Upon closer inspection I noticed that the sealing face for the diaphragm was not formed properly (it was obvious when I saw it) so it could never seal. Luckily, though, I had not tampered with it and was able to return it.
Open it up and check to see that the sealing surface is formed the right way.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:39 pm
by zeigs spud
MrCrowley wrote:It hard to get a solenoid to seal with a bike pump. You need like 15-20psi to make it seal,so either pump really fast or buy a cheap air compressor.
or u can put a light spring on the diapghram to keep it closed.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:32 pm
by minuteman142
When back to Home Depot apparently theres a problem with these Orbits a recall or something so I went with a Genie it has a guide rod which sucks, anyone out there modded on of these before.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:49 pm
by pyromaniac
I tried the genie but it didnt work for me. It stopped working after a couple of shots.
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:12 pm
by keep_it_real
Sorry to kick this topic back up but I'm having the same problem. I modded a watermaster valve and it's leaking. I'm making a semi auto gun where the air comes in from the top of the sprinkler valve and is supposed to go into the chamber but it doesn't work. Instead, the sprinkler valve just holds the air on top of the diaphragm and it leaks slowly out the barrel and into the chamber.
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:00 pm
by SpudBlaster15
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Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:27 pm
by spudthug
umm yes dont buy generic valves use a orbit or rain bird....but anyway are you sure it is coming out of the valve and not a pipe???try pipe dope or teflon tape....
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:58 pm
by keep_it_real
spudblaster15: the gas is going into the temporary chamber through the diaphragm, well not really, thats what it's supposed to do. the temp chamber is not at the same pressure because it was just shot. Since I'm using a sleeve valve as the pilot valve, it lets air in through the top when it's open then lets air out of the top of the diaphragm when it's closed
spudthug: I am using an orbit watermaster valve. I'm 99.9999999% positive it's not leaking out the pipe. It's leaking out both sides of the valve. barrel side and chamber side. Isn't it only supposed to leak out the chamber side?
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:39 pm
by McSpudsalot
What the heck are you smoking?