Well, ive been on this fourm for a while and NEVER posted a cannon, so i decided it was my time. this is my 4th pneumatic. it features:
-3 feet of 1/2 inch copper pipe (barrel)
-a pneumatically modified 3/4 inch rainbird sprinkler valve
-a stock/chamber made of various 1 inch fittings
-a 3X9X32 Airgun scope and Leapers Weaver rings
Notice that the whole copper barrel is sheathed in either 1 inch or 3/4 inch PVC. the reason for this is 1. to stop the barrel from getting dented 2. to make the ringggg that copper makes go away so i just get a BANG!!!! and 3. to allow the mounting of my scope.
btw, the scope mount is the rails off the top of my broken UTG shotgun.... works great. (i tell ya, ive been able to use every part of that broken thing other than the things that broke..........) the mount simply stays put becuase of the screw protruding from the mount itself. they dig into the 1 inch pipe and hold it more securely than i expected.
wow, I realy like the paint and the scope makes it look sick!
how consistantly can you hit that can from about 75 feet?
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:02 pm
by goose_man
That's pretty cool. I like the damage it does. Nice look overall.
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:05 pm
by VH_man
Morpherman: If i use marbles that fit nice then it is quite consistently, providing i brace myself for the recoil this thing has. it has a bad habit of shooting too high because the gun shoves itself upward before the marble leaves the barrel.
also, ive found that using a sabot and marbles that are too small actually work quite well. with those, i can consistently hit the can.
and by "hit", what do you mean. do you mean just nick it or punch a hole straight through?
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:06 pm
by pyromaniac
I love the look of the gun. the paint makes it look great. but its oddly familiar like someones made a gun like this.
Any way i love the scope. it rocks.
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:11 pm
by chaos
insane, post more pics!!!
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:11 pm
by VH_man
yes, i used the stock off of someones cannon that had a 1 inch barrel........
at first it looked like it would be comforatable, but now ive found that sticking my arm inside the stock and resting my shoulder on the inside of the stock actually fares much better. so to whoever came up with the chamber/stock thing, kudos, youve inspired me.
the whole barrel sheath and the scope (as far as i know) are original. im still mad i ran out of black spraypaint...... i was going to do the whole stock black and then do a portion of the 1inch barrel sheathing with 1/4 inch holes so it would look like a heat sink...............
yes. thats the gun i got the idea for the stock from. of course, i kinda made it completely wrong......... lol. kudos to who made that gun. its truly ingenious.
BTW, the reason i call it the Barret 14mm Sniper is because it kinda looks like the Barret .50 bmg.
and for those wanting more pics, here ya go:
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:43 pm
by spudthug
sweet gun! i lurve the scope it makes it complete. this gun is completely awesome and the scope just adds alot more! i would love it on my site!
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:49 pm
by hi
thats a nice set up you have there, i really like it. especially the paint job. maybe you could mod the stock a little so it fits you, but it looks good no matter what.
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:52 pm
by VH_man
im afraid if i make the stock fit me i will loose preformance....... i mean, this chamber is equevalent to about 3 feet of 1 inch PVC right now, and it takes like 20 pumps to get it to 100 PSI with my bike pump.....
mabey ill make it over/under and make a nice Tee stock or something.
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:31 pm
by potatoflinger
Great looking gun.
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:44 pm
by experament-u2
nice gun chap looks really nice
the rail and scope are sweet
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:57 pm
by Acdcmonkey1991
Nice gun, I like the rail and scope, were did you get them?