Mini hibrid

Harness the power of precision mixtures of pressurized flammable vapor. Safety first! These are advanced potato guns - not for the beginner.
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Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:43 pm

Rambo wrote:I have a big ezpireance with O2 guns.And that hibrid reqairs little skils.
just not a lotta grammar "skils"
how do you know how much pressure is in the chamber? how do you know it doesnt leak? at what pressure does the "bb-diaphragm" release pressure from the chamber prior to ignition?
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:26 am

It's not very smart to make comments on someone's grammar when your grammar also sucks. Plus, cut him some slack; this isn't his native laungage - and he speaks english a crap-load better than you (most likely, anyway) speak whichever forein language you speak.

Considering that a pressure gauge would probably cost him more than a day's pay, he probably doesn't have one... and thus can't tell you the pressures.

Furthermore, your questions indicate a lack of understanding of how the device works... he doesn't need to know how much pressure is in the chamber, and the bb isn't intended to leak prior to ignition.
And... how the F do you think he knows when the device doesn't leak?! He probably pressurizes it and feels around for leakage.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:09 am

This kid is Bulgarian if I'm not mistaken, doesn't have a lot of money yet he's the most innovative thinker I've seen in a pretty long time.
I hate the look of his guns but I think if he had the money, they would probably look a lot better.Rambo deserves a lot of credit.How's my spelling? I'm Dutch B.T.W.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:01 am

Yesterday I blow of the end cap of my mini hybrid....When using O2 and acetone.It's damaged and I won't fire again with it.The duck tape is like my trade mark.I can't remeber of even one gun without it.My guns may look bad but I care about the preformance and I think that PCGUY is the only one who deserves credit becuse he is pays the hosting of all these forum.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:44 am

spelling and grammar errors? wtf BLB i dont talk like a moron.. where are you pulling that from?

dont get me wrong dude, i like the idea that rambo is trying to make a mini hybrid out of a pill bottle but get real man, this isnt a reliable hybrid. There is no burst disk, no reliable way to hold air pressure back to get a guarenteed 2x mix or 3x mix. I bet that this little cannon shoots great, due to the fact that not all bb's are perfectly round and his source of compressed air is probably mixing the heavy set butane and really holding little pressure to call it a true hybrid. Im sure it shoots nice, but i wouldnt consider this a hybrid.

sorry to knock ya down a little bit rambo, its nothing personal and i didnt know that english was not your first language.
if he is so poor that he cant get a pressure gauge how did he take pictures then? digital cameras are expensive just like his computer he is posting on.

boilingleadbath wrote:
Furthermore, your questions indicate a lack of understanding of how the device works... he doesn't need to know how much pressure is in the chamber, and the bb isn't intended to leak prior to ignition.
And... how the F do you think he knows when the device doesn't leak?! He probably pressurizes it and feels around for leakage.

actually i asked those questions because i was questioning his knowelege of a hybrid, there is no way to test the pressure he is pumping into his chamber and their is no reliable burst disc. i know the bb isnt intended to leak prior to ignition, its intended to act as a burst disc and it is most likely an unreliable one because bb's arent identical. in fact they are made from recycled aluminum and copper. What if the whole cannon was sealed and the bb was leaking? are you going to put your finger over the barrel and check to see? i wouldnt want my finger in front of a bb ready to fire from any gun.
Last edited by nicholai on Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:40 am

Most common european bb's are made out of lead and and seal very well
Gun Freak wrote:
Oh my friggin god stop being so awesome, that thing is pure kick ass. Most innovative and creative pneumatic that the files have ever come by!

Can't ask for a better compliment!!
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Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:12 pm

Could someone show me the exact way to go about making the mini hybrid.The one i just made blew the lid completly off.
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Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:30 pm

Spudkid asking for plans is frowned apon on this site do reaserch(sp?) and post your creation.
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Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:43 am

This little gun is much more fun to shoot then the hybrid(wich I bllow up with O2) because of the barrel flashes.
O2 mini 010.jpg
O2 mini 015.jpg
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Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:26 pm

dude i love how creative rambo is with typical household items for use in mini combustions.
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Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:05 am

Yesterday I shooted with my new mini hybrid(I have 3 now) at 4 atmnosfears=60psi it didn't do more damage then the O2 mini.The fuel was butane.>for light seels the O2 is much better.
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