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Echos of the past...

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:12 pm
by D_Hall
Once upon a time I was on the old spudtech forum musing about a gun I wanted to build. It took years to make it happen, but I made it happen. Today I find myself musing about another... Anyone in the mood for a 10X hybrid with a 6" bore? It probably won't happen, but I've been thinking a lot about one as of late.

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:27 pm
by MrCrowley
Is this for work or personal use? I assume the former, but after VERA nothing surprises me. If it's for work, why kind of application are you thinking about? In other words, why build a 10x 6" bore hybrid over other more conventional designs?

If it's for personal use, whatever the hell you're planning to do with it I hope it's legal :D

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:07 am
by D_Hall
Management asked me if I would be interested in building VERA a little sister so I've been day dreaming. No idea of application. Hell, they could want a table top model and my day dreaming is totally off in left field. But for now the new dream is taking shape in my mind.

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:25 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Surely it could be fabricated within a week from more or less standard parts?

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:47 am
by D_Hall
No idea at this point of what requirements actually are so right now things are simply day dreaming (thus why I can talk). That said, nothing happens in a week when you're chronically understaffed and there are higher priority projects.

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:26 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
D_Hall wrote:That said, nothing happens in a week when you're chronically understaffed and there are higher priority projects.
Don't we know it :(

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:43 pm
by D_Hall

So today I had a brief conversation with the individual who was the source of the rumors. He's very excited about VERA and wants to use her to do some testing of a nature I'd never heard of before (don't bother asking). If it works, yes, he'd like me to build a sister for VERA.....

....A big sister.

It was all I could do not to kiss the guy right then and there. It's another of those "probably won't happen" things, but if it does, I plan to be ready!

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:29 pm
by Ragnarok
D_Hall wrote:...some testing of a nature I'd never heard of before...
Fascinating. But where will you get that many custard pies?

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:13 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
D_Hall wrote:...A big sister.



Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:26 pm
by Spudinator
Build the damn thing already Dave, don't leave us hanging! Vera burned a hole in all of our hearts until she lost her stage fright, then filled that depth with glorious, high powered love. Don't burn another hole, doooon't! :D

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:02 am
by Fnord
Holy crap, it's spudinator.
Nine years on SF and still kickin, huh?

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:49 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Fnord wrote:Holy crap, it's spudinator.
Nine years on SF and still kickin, huh?
One of the "founding fathers" I miss the most...

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:36 am
by D_Hall
No idea on schedule, but it looks like the combustion chamber would be essentially identical... But instead of sch 30 pipe it would be made of sch 80 pipe thus allowing Vera to be a 10X gun. Barrel has yet to be sorted out.

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:00 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
What's the highest mix number VERA has handled so far?

Re: Echos of the past...

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:36 pm
by D_Hall
2 but she's been cleared for 3 and will do so this summer.