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Water bottle airsoft cloud.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:20 pm
by screamingflea
This is my airsoft cloud. Construction: I took a Deerpark water bottle, drilled a hole in the back so that part of the blowgun nozzle could fit in. Then wrapped a couple of layers (not sure how many) of electrical tape around the threads of the bottle. Now but a 3/4" union over the threads, friction should hold it there plenty sturdily, and no air leaked out when shooting, but I went ahead and wrapped electrical tape around the joint. Now take the lid to the bottle and cut an astrix or drill a hole big enough for a bic or similair sized pen to slide through.
Continuing with the lid(here you can shave down the threads, but not off, or leave it how it is) and fit it onto the end of about 5" of 3/4" pipe; I smacked it on the garage floor to get the cap in evenly and tightly. Now wrap electrical tape around that. Now take two pens that will allow an airsoft BB through (doesn't have to be a perfect fit, mine let BB's role right through) and tape them together. Now wrap a couple of layers of tape around one end of the pens and this end will go into the hole in the cap. Be sure to put a good amount of tape around the bottle/pen joint, use short pieces to make it air tight and stable.Now slide your 3/4" pipe with barrel into the union. No tape needed here but you can if you'd like. To load, undo union and put in BB's(plug the back holel with your finger), put back together union. Stick air nozzle in the hole in the back of the bottle and fire. The nozzle does not stay there, it's not meant to. Improvements are welcome. Like an easy way to shield the barrel so the two pens don't get mis alligned. I have a video, but I havn't looked around for free video hosting, and suggestions? And, any suggestions on a better fitting barrel, I did a straw that was real tight, accuracy was terrible and it jammed alot.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:43 pm
by rna_duelers
Try car brake lines the copper tubeing is supossed to be a really good fit for BB's.just go 2 a wreakers and get some cheap.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:14 pm
by screamingflea
I thought car brake lines were for metal BB's, not airsoft BB's. I tried some tubing form an aquariam vac that fit the BB's well, but it would jam on the first shot, I think it is the 3/8" id tubing that was mentioned on spudtech as a good barrel. So just pens for now.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:14 pm
by screamingflea
Alrighty, I went and bought 20" of 1/4" and 5/16" brakeline. The 1/4" is for metall bBB's used in a cloud similair to the airsoft like with one but without a union and bamboo sleeved in 1/2" pvc to hole the barrel. The 5/16" had a slightly better fit (I think) on airsoft BBs than the pens do. A couple of questions though: I get more power out of the 5/16" brakeline, but far less acuuracy, why? I thought the tighter barrel = better accuracy. Could it be because I am using light .12 grom BBs? I normally use about 120-100 psi. Also, on my cloud for metal BBs, it won't shoot consistintly nor very accurately, same psi. I think it is the nozzle placement, sometimes I can get it right. Any who, answers would be appreciated, thank you.