For help!A reverse engineering of ETG

Miniature guns are novelty custom, unique, and sometime downright crude! Common construction materials often include pill bottles or pens. Show us your work!
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Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:02 am

My first topic
Hello!Here is a article about ETG handgun,but he can give me no help because China's laws about gun are very strict.Can you help me to have a copy?Let's talk about it!

不愿意透露结构的ET-G Unwilling to disclose the structure of et-g badboy-fly Badboy - fly 2015-1-12 The 2015-1-12电磁炮 The electromagnetic gun 浏览这段内容需要0学术分 A 0 academic grade is required to view this section 过了暑假后ECT-SR-TE还没完成,因为多次实验后发现效率还有待提高。否则真的对不起这体积。 After the summer vacation, ect-sr-te was not finished, because the efficiency needed to be improved after many experiments. Otherwise I'm sorry about the volume. 而且加工也比较困难。然后一拖再拖就决定推迟这个便携想法。 And processing is also more difficult. And then decided to put off the portable idea. 然后回到忙碌的校园生活中。到了10月底因为经常迟到遭到停课。有了些时间,然后想重拾这个想法。 Then back to the busy campus life. At the end of October he was suspended for being late. Had some time, and then wanted to pick up the idea. 当然由于时间有限,所以将它定为手g。 And, of course, because of time constraints, I'm going to call it hand g. 从一开始的管子一直到最后的成品。(由于担心仿制所以没有打算公开结构图所以见谅) From the beginning of the pipe to the final product. (sorry for not planning to publish the structure drawing due to fear of imitation) 由于设计没有太和谐的想法所以材料除了管子比较特殊外其余都是用两种装修材料用夹层加固和螺丝的方法加固固定。 Because the design is not too harmonious idea so the material except the tube is relatively special, the rest are with two kinds of decoration materials with the method of sandwich reinforcement and screw reinforcement fixed. 管子是以前实验时候切出来的,装修材料都是去年装修剩下的边角料。(当时觉得有用就一直留着到现在。。。) The pipe was cut out in the previous experiment, and the decoration materials were leftover leftover from last year's decoration. (I found it useful and have kept it ever since...) 然后电容器用的是去年的一个作品——ECETgun爆炸导体电热炮 的电容组中拆下来的。 The capacitors are then removed from the capacitor bank of the ECETgun explosive conductor electric gun, one of last year's creations. 发射的是6mm的bb蛋0.12~0.13g属于轻蛋,因此没有多少的后坐力。 The 6mm bb eggs were fired. 0.12 to 0.13g were light, so there was not much recoil. 由于体积问题所以不考虑使用液态工质,只用到爆炸箔(发射原理:爆炸导体电热炮)。 Because of the volume problem, the liquid working medium is not considered, only the explosive foil(emission principle: explosive conductor electric gun) is used. 因此在此装填的时候可以将bb和爆炸箔同时推入管内。 Therefore, bb and explosive foil can be pushed into the tube at the same time during the loading. 为了解决发射后装填,利用电热发射的瞬间大膛压除了加速bb外还将电极推出。 In order to solve the post-launch loading, the instant big bore pressure of the electric heat emission is used to accelerate the bb and push the electrode out. 然后在电极后面利用弹簧进行复位,在此同时将新的bb和爆炸箔推入管内。完成装填 A spring is then used to reset behind the electrode, while the new bb and explosive foil are pushed into the tube. Complete packing 点击此处查看视频 Click here for the video (三个铝罐全穿透。最后一个从底穿。)这个是最开始第一次试验的视频。。其余的视频均一被优酷和谐了。(由于最近风太大我也不行放太多了) (all three aluminum cans are penetrated. The last one from the bottom. This is the video from the very first experiment. The rest of the videos were balanced by youku. I can't put too much on it because it's too windy these days. 由于之前换了手机所以还有很多图片丢失了。找不到很多当时过程中拍下来的照片 Because I changed my phone before, I still lost a lot of pictures. I can't find a lot of pictures from the process 在空间里面找回的成品图 Find the finished picture in the space F~F[Z2PQ2}6S{DAEHS2`606.jpg F}DYT0AEBSK6$OTX9DCN@OG.jpg %BXID}%(3JK]77[AX}0T(S3.jpg 7Q[FT)~DC6FZ7KB2L]}L7@A.jpg 其实在很早前就已经可以拿着玩了。。。只是没时间所以一直没拍摄视频片段。 It's been around for a long time... I just didn't have time so I didn't shoot the video clip. 点击此处查看视频 Click here for the video 这是好几个视频中唯一一个能够上传到youku的。(当时天在下雨而且右手拍视频所以有点抖) This is the only video in several that can be uploaded to youku. (it was raining and my right hand was shaking) 3`5I1GZ]GVG}YPX{6CU9GB7.jpg 除了破坏牛奶瓶还对树脂进行破坏。(漏封后) In addition to damaging the milk bottle, it also damages the resin. (after leakage seal) [R]L}B_@@R9@AHVME07R]2B.jpg 泡沫后一个个孔。。 Foam after a hole. E$HR(ROULA_%AZ}1$D5UX]O.jpg 电热方式:爆炸导体 Heating mode: explosive conductor 使用储能:90J~100J左右 Energy storage: about 90J~100J 发射弹丸:0.12~0.13g 6mm bb蛋 Shot: 0.12~0.13g 6mm bb egg 爆炸箔:面积16mm*16mm的铝箔 Explosive foil: aluminum foil with an area of 16mm*16mm 电容器:细长闪光灯电容330V 100uf一只 Capacitor: 330V 100uf capacitor for slender flash 开关:机械开关 Switch: mechanical switch 初速377m/s At 377 m/s 大概分布:弹夹内装有电容器和电源,套筒上面为管子和电极复位装置,机械开关在扳机附近。 General distribution: the magazine is equipped with capacitor and power supply, tube and electrode reset device above the sleeve, mechanical switch near the trigger. 由于bb蛋太轻而且动能密度比起铁钉要低得多,所以在某些程度上比钢珠铁钉要弱。 Because bb eggs are too light and have a much lower kinetic energy density than iron nails, they are in some ways weaker than steel ball iron nails. 但是可能是速度高,穿越靶子后靶子几乎没有怎么动作。除非射击肥皂和凝胶。 But it could be high speed, and the target barely moved after it passed. Unless you shoot soap and gel. 而且经常出现类似鞭子抽打的声音。。。。 And often there was a whipping sound...

1: bb egg means BB
2: In China, harmony means being noticed by the police

Last edited by jrrdw on Sat Feb 22, 2020 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Requested translation help.
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Wed Feb 26, 2020 12:04 pm

Note that it could be difficult and dangerous to make such a stuff.If you just want something can shoot,built an air gun is a better idea for you,as it is easy to make and operate.
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Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:37 pm

wafen wrote:
Wed Feb 26, 2020 12:04 pm
Note that it could be difficult and dangerous to make such a stuff.If you just want something can shoot,built an air gun is a better idea for you,as it is easy to make and operate.
hello,thank you for your help、

but I am a Chinese ,I can not make a AirPower gun because of China`s laws about gun

if the gun use air power and it has 1.8J/cm2, it`s a gun in China.
So,chinese makers make coil gun ,haha :D :D :D
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Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:45 am

I'm afraid I can't help with the translation but here is arguably the best ETG ever posted on this forum: viewtopic.php?p=162698#p162698
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
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Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:10 pm

jackssmirkingrevenge wrote:
Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:45 am
I'm afraid I can't help with the translation but here is arguably the best ETG ever posted on this forum: viewtopic.php?p=162698#p162698
hello,thank you for your help.
I read this topic many days ago, it is great!
But i am making a autoloder ETG pistol !
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