I was out to eat the other night and I picked up one of the local papers, which is produced in town. In the September 8 issue, they had a front page story about the incident, which had a little bit more info. Some of it was pretty shocking. Unfortunately I don't have the article with me and the paper has no website to speak of (typical), so I may have to track down a copy later to transcribe the whole thing. The paper in question in the Sheldon N'West Iowa Review, if anyone cares.
They gave a few more details into what happened. First and foremost, the cannon
was not made from PVC - it was welded steel pipe! Apparently It was nothing more than a solid piece with a flat plate welded on for a cap, set on the ground like a mortar. It also stated that Ryan was attempting to light the device directly... with a punk.
As I suspected before, he was also fueling it with some type of smokeless powder for shell reloading. Big no-no, as we all obviously already knew. The newspaper even acknowledged in the title that such a device was literally turned into a pipe bomb, so I suppose we can give props there.
However, what they said at the end really pisses me off, and confuses me as well. They interviewed yet another "expert", who may have been the county sheriff but I don't recall. They also interviewed the state fire marshall but I'm pretty sure he wasn't the one who said the following.
This guy made the arbitrary statement about "I know there are alot of these around, but if you have one of these, you better just cut them up and throw them away."
But he also claimed that potato guns are illegal in the state, and carry with them a penalty of a CLASS D FELONY. That's a year in jail for those who don't know. I have always been under the impression that spudguns are legal in Iowa, and from the research I have done since reading that, I have been able to find NO evidence whatsoever to support such a claim. Iowa code has nothing specific on spudguns, but its wording on "destructive devices" and "explosives" and "firearms" are VERY similar to those used by the ATF; and we all know where the ATF stands on classifying these. Those who have visited spudgun.com may also recall an email from a man who successfully defended an Iowa man in court who they tried to nail for possessing one, saying it was a dangerous device; he was acquitted.
Sorry this is so long, but this is just another example of a local jackoff who doesn't know what he's talking about. If anyone else has any expert advice on spudgun legality in Iowa, please say so. I'm trying to compile as much fact as possible before possibly confronting Sioux county authorities or the paper on their mistake.