Actually, in the U.S. you would be considered not only professional, but would undoubtedly command a sense of 'doctorate' of science... Women would faun all over you and men would fear you. Whip out a nasty looking spud gun, and you could clear an area with shock and let me get this straight, the fact that I can speak polish and russian (or english with strong eastern accent) makes me seem to be more professional right ?
U.S. society is so weird.
I've gotta agree with Moonbogg, we could arm those ships with a tremendous improvement to the system, and probably keep 90% of the funding for pizza and pay for tickets to have everyone from the EU and elsewhere flown in for the party.
JSR wrote:
Just make sure they're inside the doorway. Use a .45, not a cheesy 9mm, and be sure you don't know them.This is a right almost exclusive to the residents of the United States, most of the world's justice systems will prosecute you for harming an intruder.