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Episode 13 is up

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:48 pm
by Spud Destruction
Hello everyone, The new episode of Spud Destruction is up and running

Also i have taken all the pre roll vids and ads off of all 4 season 2 episodes. They were irritating me too much and just a waste of time to me. For now all videos from this point on will not be monotised. So please enjoy and as allways i love the feed back. Good or bad, Just not too bad, i don't feel like crying today :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:59 pm
by mattyzip77
In my opinion the episodes are getting lamer instead of better. I love the idea of it dont get me wrong, however its just not exciting to me anymore.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:30 pm
by Spud Destruction
So what can i do to improve in your opinion? Or are you just getting burnt out on watching them? I will agree the helmet is not one of our good ones, It's hard to know what each object is going to do when we shoot at it. Some don't do much a simple destruction, others go to pieces. But thanks for being honest, and not filling my ass full of smoke hahaha.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:24 pm
by mattyzip77
I know the idea is to use potatoes, but you gotta mix it up a little. Maybe a different projectile or even a different cannon. Give us somthin to look forward to. Im not tryin to put you down or bust chops cuz you are trying.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:43 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
mattyzip77 wrote:I know the idea is to use potatoes, but you gotta mix it up a little. Maybe a different projectile or even a different cannon. Give us somthin to look forward to. Im not tryin to put you down or bust chops cuz you are trying.
I would tend to agree. I liked the latest vid, certainly a good dramatic shot nicely filmed. The problem is that it all gets a bit samey after a while.

You have the luxury of a big bore cannon that can fire anything that fits in the projectile, imagination should be the only limit ;) staying with potatoes, what happens if you fire one through a metal grid? will you get fries?

Well yes, according to Google, not quite so original:


You get the idea though. There's a limit to how entertaining the whole "what happens when you fire a high speed potato at X household object" premise can be over a few shots.

There are a lot of concepts to play with. Off the top of my head, fire a potato at a group of toy soldiers, then reverse it by loading a bunch of toy soldiers in suitable wadding and fire them at a sack of potatoes.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:19 am
by Spud Destruction
Ahhh i'm starting to get what you guys are saying. I'm basically limiting the shows potential I had an idea a long time ago about using a certain type of candy as shot. I think i will definatley experiment with this and film all of it to show you guys. But i do understand what you both are getting at. Thanks Jacks. Matty you could of helped me out like jack, in stead of making me cry you ass.. hahahaha JK :wink: You guys are awesome thanks..

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:58 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Spud Destruction wrote:I'm basically limiting the shows potential I had an idea a long time ago about using a certain type of candy as shot. I think i will definatley experiment with this and film all of it to show you guys.


One think you should definitely sort out is an appropriate sabot (small soda bottle cut in half for example) that will let you shoot practically anything that fits in the bore.

Candy Buckshot

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:04 am
by Technician1002
I tried shooting a handfull of wrapped candy such as mints, butterscotch, etc for a bunch of kids to find and enjoy. Without a sabot, the shot unwrapped almost all of the candy so it landed in the field without the wrappers. :( It looked neat that the wrappers made a very nice confetti shot. :D

An orange shot through a expanded metal screen makes a fine mist that drifts off in the breeze and a few small chunks of skin. :shock:

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:23 pm
by Brian the brain
Try onions.

Then walk through the mist and show the effect..

Like mace-light...

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:56 pm
by Spud Destruction
hahaha Mace Face, we can do it to the mechanic and see if he removes his helmet. All i will say is The candy one will involve shooting a cardboard cut out of a currently famous pop star. hahahah it will be good. I love working for myself, all day while i'm working i can day dream about ideas of what to shoot. With these last couple messages you guys have been giving me have opened up a flood gate.

Also the sabot, i was thinking of taking a heavy foam, like the foam used for fake plants the hard solid foam stuff. And cut out a bullet shape bore out the center and used that hole to load the candy, and in my head it should open up as soon as it exits. I'm going to hit up walmart maybe tonight and see what i can find.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:12 am
by Alster370
I had an idea a long time ago about using a certain type of candy as shot.
Why not shoot one of those enormous jaw breakers? :D

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:35 pm
by velocity3x
Spud Destruction,

You guys seem to be very comfortable in front of a camera, and your show seems to be well planed in advance. I think you should change you style from "Backyard BBQ" attire and perhaps wear white lab coats to add a little more technical appearance. The video seems to be of good quality, but you might include more shots of the gun....especially when firing. IMO, 4:05 is way to long for only one shot. I think you should find another backdrop for your vids. For me, the backyard block wall theme doesn't come across as "technical" or even safe. Perhaps the side of an abandoned industrial building, etc. would show a more professional image. I also think you could get into more details about the actual gun. With out a doubt I think you guy have the skills to make some very good vids. Just enhance your production values a little. Hey, I could be wrong I often am. No offence intend.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:24 pm
by MrCrowley
Those sound like some good points, velocity.

Spud Destruction, I'm sure I've mentioned before that your channel as the potential to take advantage of a special YouTube niche currently vacant. My channel is too sporadic with posting videos and has little structure. I rarely talk and don't have great production value yet my channel, and others like it, will still do ok.

Your channel has a much greater chance of actually becoming something bigger than any other spudgun channel. If you combine a bit of what I do (videos on raw destruction/showing off cannons) and what you currently do, you'll end up with a channel similar to mastermilo82. A channel like that has a good balance between entertainment, destruction, production value and substance. It's at a point where the people behind the channel have a personality in their videos their subscribers are familiar with.

More along the lines of what velocity is suggesting, you'd end up with a channel similar to the slow-mo guys. You could venture in to how-to guides showing YouTubers how to make some decent pneumatic cannons. There aren't any how-to's on youtube for pneumatic cannons that have a good production value and are filmed and narrated well.

Aside from that; maybe just change the location, targets, projectiles and cannon every now and then. Joerg of the SlingshotChannel is a good example of this; though I doubt anyone here can keep up with Joerg as he's making awesome, new slingshots each week.

It's a shame we're on the other sides of the world. I reckon my combination of cannons and your guys' combination of commitment, production value and on-air personality could really make a decent channel :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:29 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
velocity3x wrote:I think you should change you style from "Backyard BBQ" attire and perhaps wear white lab coats to add a little more technical appearance.
Dirty labcoats. In my field I find that the level of competence and intellect as well as hours put is inveresely proportional to the amount of white showing on the labcoat ;)

Saw this recently:


Good example of some original projectile launching, not exactly destructive but certainly still fun ;)