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A present for the mods
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:27 pm
by Ragnarok
Well, the moderator in me decided to go and whip up something to help the real moderators, who seem to be having a hard time lately.
This is in the same vein as my
"Reasons behind the rules" spudwiki page.
This time, it's
"Why aren't my questions being answered?", for quoting at those newcomers who don't want to do their own independent research.
It should be self explanatory enough (I hope), and informative for newbies about why we do what we do, but not so so much text that they'll wander off halfway through.
As with any of the spudwiki pages, feel free to edit it. Alternatively, feel free to give me feedback, and I'll take it on board and edit it myself.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:42 pm
by Lentamentalisk
well put.
Nice job, I will bookmark that for future linkage.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:46 pm
by MrCrowley
Rastamuffin could've done with that yesterday
Too late for him maybe, but i'm sure a whole generation of spudders will read upon this masterpiece
Edit: Screw it, i'll PM rastamuffin with a link to it anyway
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:18 pm
by Ragnarok
MrCrowley wrote:Rastamuffin could've done with that yesterday.
Well, that's what inspired me to write it.
Well... no. I started writing an explanation of it in a thread he started, then decided: "Heck, I could make this a wiki page, and save the trouble of typing it all over again next time." And so I did.
(I notice that thread I started in has now disappeared)
The obvious side-effect of using a method like this for inspiration means that a fix is only created for something AFTER it went wrong, not before.
That's often the way things are in the world though. You easily only realise it needs a fix AFTER it broke.
Too late for him maybe, but i'm sure a whole generation of spudders will read upon this masterpiece.
Not sure it's quite worthy of being called a masterpiece, but it's there to be read - and a few people might even manage to do that, as long as the regulars remember it's there and link to it.
Edit: Screw it, i'll PM rastamuffin with a link to it anyway
Starting a sentence with "screw it" will always ensure that the consquences of whatever actions are described afterwards will have considerable results, whether for good or bad.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:24 pm
by MrCrowley
I notice that thread I started in has now disappeared
Yeah, I too also thought about writing a reply. Then I said 'screw it' and just got rid of the problem by deleting the thread...the topic title was in all caps anyway
Not sure it's quite worthy of being called a masterpiece, but it's there to be read - and a few people might even manage to do that, as long as the regulars remember it's there and link to it.
Can't a Mod just say a nice thing for once and not be scrutinized?
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:31 pm
by Ragnarok
MrCrowley wrote:Can't a Mod just say a nice thing for once and not be scrutinized?
Fair enough, but I have to be modest sometimes, because that's what makes me so awesome.
Actually, providing an EXCELLENT example of the last point I made in that article, we have what looks to be a great new member in
His good posting, politeness and his being willing to do research (without even being asked) has immediately moved him up a long way in my estimation.
Indeed, I've already gone and praised him for it.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:37 pm
by inonickname
how about you actually help me?
I swear I've read that somewhere before..
Good work
will keep it for future linkings.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:44 pm
by iisthemuffin
Ive never read that article about Ryan before and alot of parts of it kind of intrigued me.
They make it sound as if it was the cannons fault. Everything that happend was his fault. I dont mean to sound so hateful about it but its the truth.
There was a sentence that particularly bothered me. It said something about how no matter how a spud gun is built they are never safe. I would definetely have to disagree and im sure many of you would as well.
Another part said something about adding too much propellant would make the cannon explode. And im sure anyone whos built a combustion knows that adding too much just makes it not fire. There is no explosion of any kind.
The accident happend because of the propellant he chose. It bothers me that the article was released. It educated people about something the educators have no clue about. Which taught people nothing about spud guns. They just fed them a bunch of crap.
And i dont mean to steer this thread of topic. I apologize for that. Just thought i would put my two sense in.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:52 pm
by Ragnarok
inonickname wrote:I swear I've read that somewhere before.
I swear I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
*Shifty eyes*
I argue that no one can claim it's not what such a person would say.
Well, except for the fact that it's all spelt correctly ...and that there is punctuation and capital letters ...and there are no insults in there.
Other than those errors, it's perfectly accurate.
@iisthemuffin: Heck, we're annoyed at the media sensationalism inherent and the inaccuracies in the Ryan Meerdink article, but it's still an important example of how wrong mixing PVC and solid propellants can go.
It wasn't clear at the time he had used smokeless powder in a spudgun, but it later became evident (and I've just edited the wiki page to make that more obvious).
To be frank, he had a pipebomb, not a spudgun. However, we don't wish to bring the two together and inadvertently "inspire" someone else to make the same mistake.
So that's part of the reason we don't allow the solid propellant discussion on Spudfiles.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:02 pm
by iisthemuffin
Oh i completely understand and embrace the rule. I was just pointing out, as you said, the inaccuracies in the article.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:11 pm
by Ragnarok
iisthemuffin wrote:I was just pointing out, as you said, the inaccuracies in the article.
Of which there are a great many. However, dealing with those inaccuracies is a lesser evil than someone else following his bad example.
If I find the time, it might be wiser to create an article about Ryan on the spudwiki, linking out to that article as a citation, which would allow counter points to be brought against the article.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:39 pm
by Sticky_Tape
Great job rag I'm sure it'll hit the newbies where it hurts, and hopefully make them search before they post
(and I've just edited the wiki page to make that more obvious).
Anybody wan't to link me to this page? I can't find it, I've searched everywhere
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:41 pm
by Ragnarok
Sticky_Tape wrote:I'm sure it'll hit the newbies where it hurts.
I'm not sure I want to hit them there, we don't want to chase them off...
Well, it seems like this is reasonably well received. Excellent.
Anybody want to link me to this page? I can't find it, I've searched everywhere
Link in top post under "Reasons behind the rules".
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:41 pm
Bah dah bop bah bahhhhh...
I'm Lovin' It! lol
Great job Ragnarok!
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:05 pm
by suburban spudgunner
Ragnarok wrote:
If I find the time, it might be wiser to create an article about Ryan on the spudwiki, linking out to that article as a citation, which would allow counter points to be brought against the article.
I believe I'd like to see that...
Once again, the uneducated public want to put a stop to a hobby of mine...I'd like to say something about that.
*Edit* Quoted wrong. Fixing...