FishBoy wrote:Actually, that's real, I remember seeing it when it was first released. there was a lot of news stories on it.
I don't trust the news either. They have a thing for not checking the reliability of most stories and blowing things out of proportion.
For example, the New York Times publishes phony letter from Mayor of Paris.
There was also a letter to an editor awhile back in some American newspaper written from the perspective of a fundamentalist Christian when infact it was an Atheist organization mocking Christianity. It was similar to the video above in which the person appeared to have no knowledge of basic science and in this case history also.
I have also experienced first hand how the media will say anything to get more readers. A teenager killed himself earlier this year, he used to go to my school. So the media instead portrayed that he was still a student of my school instead of saying he was expelled. (Asked not to return the following year for the optional last year).
They also go on to say how my school wouldn't let him come back after he wanted to and that they ignored his mental state. (He had ADHD or something).
That was also false, the school asked him not to return because he'd only turn up to 1 in every 10 classes, when he did turn up he just talked and did no work and when asked to leave the classroom he'd go home. He also was caught with drugs on school grounds and chose not to take his pills for ADHD with which his mother agreed with.
Yet, the news blames the school. At the same time we had a 'fight club' in our school, this guy happened to get in a fight with a student after school, so the newspaper says that this guy killed himself because he lost a fight in a student run 'underground' fightclub operating at my school.
Then the news also says it was the school fault for not properly monitoring his mental state when it was his mother who told him not to take his pills.
Anyway rant over, don't believe 90% of what you read in the news. 10% is the actual story, the other 90% is what would've made a good story.