M.C. (marble cannon)

Show us your pneumatic spud gun! Discuss pneumatic (compressed gas) powered potato guns and related accessories. Valve types, actuation, pipe, materials, fittings, compressors, safety, gas choices, and more.
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Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:11 am

Here is it, the new supdgun designed for shooting marbles at high velocity.
All (except the valve) is in metal, wether copper or gal. steel . The barrel s the same as in my previous canon, 1 meter (40") of 1/2" copper pipe: perfect fit for marbles. The sprinkler valve is modified to actuate pneumaticly, with a quick connect/disconnect and a blow gun with high flow.
The chamber is made from galvanized steel pipe (1" large) 35cm, and a tee, going to a 1/2" pipe(for the handle and the look).
Here are some pics, the gun, and damage pics. (the photo with the grass and the hole in the ground was taken 5 minutes ago, the marbles was shot from my balcony into my garden, straight down. The marble is actually at 7cm deep in the ground.)P.S.: the small impacts you will notice on the steel plate are impacts from 0.12g plastic 6mm BB's (from a shotgun version of the shot!!! :P)Image
ImageThis one was after shooting a single shot, a burst of Airsoft 0.12g BB's (50 BB's at a time) but, some got lost everywhere in my garden, including a window of my lil' boy house...
Here is it... hope you enjoy the pics, sorry for the bad colours, but here in france today it's rainy.... oh i almost forgot, the bondo you see over the tee was for the grip, as galvanized steel is sometimes cold and rough, and on the valve, it was for glueing a iron sight, but i had to remove it the put the quick connect....
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Pete Zaria
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Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:35 am

Very nice stuff. Mind if I ask, what was the cost of the project?

Great job.

Pete Zaria.
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Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:36 am

hey thanks pete, so i'm sorry, since i don't know the actual change in dollars, i'll give you the cost in euros.
Valve + modification = 26euros
pipes (both 1" and 1/2" + couplings and end cap + reducer) = about 25 dollars.
barrel = 4euros
quick connect = 2.8 euros
Ball valve = 2euros
all the fittings for 4 euros.
Total cost is about 65 euros. that's cheap i guess, as my "all in copper" spudgun costed me 80.

Hey more feedback !!!
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Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:17 am

Nice cannon, and dont you hate it when you post a nice clean gun and you get 3 comments :( so here is one for ya buddy.What psi do you run it at?Any idea what the C:B ratio is i like it.
Good job.Any chance of more damage pics?i love damage pics so much!
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Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:22 am

Nice cannon,do you fill it with a compressor?I see the gound was really soft when you shot down into it,why didn't the marble roll out your barrel?
Forever dreaming...
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Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:58 am

well, i have two choices.
I can screw the compressor adaptor, and i run it as a semi auto, switching on the ball valve and shooting, or simply put my shrader valve and pump it with the bike pump.
I fill it up to 120 psi. The C:B ratio is 1:1
I fill it to the desired pressure, as i live in a populated area... i don't like projectiles gettig too far and perhaps braking a window or what not...
So, 30psi makes it more powerfull than the most powerfull paintball gun i've ever seen. 40 psi give a respectable pressure and speed...60 is a bit cool, but i definatley like 100-120. It makes a cool smoke effect and i don't see the projectile leaving. I just hear it very quick hurt the target, it makes a very sharp "crack" when firing at these pressures.... GGDT shows that this baby can shoot up to 265 m/s with 2grams projectiles at 8 bars....i'll post more desctruction pics maybe tomorow...(yeah i love destruction pics too)

And thanks for this positive feedback, but i want more!!! xD

Edit: oh and demon, the marble didn't rool as i put some jelly where i put it, so the marbles would just be stuck in place, allowing more pressure to comme behind before making it go down the barrel. Whe building spudguns, ingeniosity is primordial.
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