Meaningful discussion outside of the potato gun realm. Projects, theories, current events. Non-productive discussion will be locked.
- Private 2

- Posts: 31
- Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:15 pm
Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:32 pm
First of all, I'm not trying to act like I know more than you, but I wouldn't be surprised. I am stating that I find it funny that you are bragging about your ion, how it's a "high end gun" and it has the "1st or 2nd most expensive tank".
Co2's max pressure (which is over 1500psi)
The pressure of co2 hardly ever gets above 1000 psi. In order for it to get over 1500 psi, the temperature would need to be over 110*F. At room temperature it is only about 900 psi and that is if you have a 100% full tank. Read the chart: ... /co2pv.gif
- Sergeant

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- Location: texas
Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:54 pm
i live in texas and it gets that high every once and a while. when i go to montana it sometimes gets to 116. oh and frogy you my are correct. i used my friends and was just wondering what it did. And my gun is a Spyder pilot ACS and think it has one also but correct me if im wrong.
- Corporal 4

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- Location: massachussets
Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:15 pm
thts why he said co2's MAX pressure-the highest that it could get
in the upcoming presidential election, there will be several candidates who will be running, one of whom is Hillary Clinton. Now WAIT A SECOND!!! I though there was some sort of rule that prevented someone from serving more than two terms in office. Vote Against Hillary: Presidential Elections 08
- Sergeant 4

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Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:53 pm
Frogy,can you post a pic of your 12g c02 adapter.
Forever dreaming...
- Specialist 4

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Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:42 am
Hey, I have been thinking about getting a paintball gun for a while. My question is what kind would be a good, relatively inexpensive gun that is still pretty decent? I was thinking maybe a Spyder, since I shot one before and it worked pretty good. The only thing was once the CO2 got low it started jamming, but I assume that applies to most guns?
- Sergeant 4

- Posts: 1391
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- Location: Johannesburg South Africa
Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:51 am
No not a Spyder,Frogy told me they may be cheap but they are made cheaply as well.This is what frogy said:
"A Tippmann 98 Custom \ Custom Pro are great guns to start with seeing that they're practically indistrucable and they're very very upgradable...
I wouldn't get a Spyder if I was you, they might be cheap, but they're cheaply made also..."
Trust frogy,he knows his paintball guns.
Forever dreaming...