qev full auto paintball

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Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:42 am

c11man wrote:ok thanks alot.

i just made my own spring for the mag. it is made out of some .03inch mig wire witch is realy springy.

it is about 21inches and i will be puting it in a 18inch long mag so that it has some force even on the last paintball.

the length shold give me a capasity of around 22 paintballs.

so far my design is a 3/4inch qev with a 80psi popoff, a teemag with the springloaded tubemag running pallel to the barrel, a stop in the barrel so that you can point down, and 22 paintball capasity

do you guys think my new design will work?
I like the idea of mig wire to make a spring, I might try that myself, piano wire may be better better choice though. Be careful with you're choice of ball stop, as you could rupture the paintballs with anything hard. try a soft rubber tube via a small tee piece like this:


You might find 22 rounds will go very quickly with automatic fire, unless you have a quick and easy way to refill the mag. As for whether it will work, you will have to just try it and see :D

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Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:44 am

for my ball stop i will be using a oring that the paintballs nedont need too much pressure to go through. i will put this between the barrel and the tee.

as for the ammo capacity i redid my spring and now i will have closer to 35 rounds in a 24inch long mag (it will be just shorter than my barrel) this will go through a elbow and attatch into the tee so that it runns drectly under the barrel. i am still worried about the paintballs being able to go through the elbow so i might have to do file and sand it down on the inside.

the mig wire was nice because when i took it off the 1/8inch pipe that i wraped it on it expanded to just under the size of the barrel

this is pretty off topic but if i wanted to use a high pressure supply for it and want about 400psi and a fairly large volume. what do you suggest as far as cost and ease of getting and the volume of the tank
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Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:04 am

c11man wrote:for my ball stop i will be using a oring that the paintballs nedont need too much pressure to go through. i will put this between the barrel and the tee.

as for the ammo capacity i redid my spring and now i will have closer to 35 rounds in a 24inch long mag (it will be just shorter than my barrel) this will go through a elbow and attatch into the tee so that it runns drectly under the barrel. i am still worried about the paintballs being able to go through the elbow so i might have to do file and sand it down on the inside.

the mig wire was nice because when i took it off the 1/8inch pipe that i wraped it on it expanded to just under the size of the barrel

this is pretty off topic but if i wanted to use a high pressure supply for it and want about 400psi and a fairly large volume. what do you suggest as far as cost and ease of getting and the volume of the tank
A good size tank would be a large Co2 fire extinguisher, but thats only if you happen to aquire one (cough cough) 8) Another option would be a truck wrecking yard, lots of air brake tanks usually about 20 -40 liters volume, not sure what sort of pressure they can take, but it would be much less than you are after.

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Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:44 pm

shut up about you and your tanks... JK

i might be able to buy a used empty one from the local fire department (friends dad is a fire fighter) i am hoping that i could buy one on the cheap from them.
anouther thing that would have been sweet to get from them would be one of their old air tanks. our department recently got new composite tanks to replace the metal ones but they sold them for scrap before i knew about it :x

oh also i just finished making the barrel and mag it works almost perfectly except that sometimes the paintballs jam in the elbow. i am hoping that the air pulses will fix this because usualy it only takes some shaking to fix it.

i found an oring for the ball stop but it is a little tight. i can push the paintballs through it but i am afraid that the qev might burst the paintballs
any suggestions on how to make them slid throught more easily? no i cannot get a size smaller because then it is too small.

i will post pics probalby sunday because i have soccer the next two nights
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