Evidently, I need to explain what I mean by average pressure, because neither of you are quite on the money.
This is the average pressure
exerted on the projectile in the barrel. Nothing to do with peak pressure, nor chamber pressure.
Basically, it's muzzle energy divided by barrel volume (being careful to use the right units).
It gives an idea of a launcher's power relative to it's size, considering "valve" flow, C:B ratio, etc.
For comparison, A 0.8:1 C:B combustion is ~30 psi. HEAL is about 150 psi, pretty respectable for a pneumatic, virtue of its valve and large chamber.
HEAL 2 (if ever finished) will be around 250+ psi, a big improvement - but somewhat short of another project which is looking lined up to manage 500+ psi.
inonickname wrote:Really? A 200x mix has a 3000 psi pre-ignition pressure
Not quite 3000. Closer to 2925 psi to be pedantic.
I will admit error on my part, because I was calculating from a 2m barrel, when it was a 1.8m barrel. Redoing the calculation, working from a 1.8m long 20mm barrel and a (predicted) muzzle energy of 15000 joules (11,000 ft-lbs)...
Average pressure on a 200x mix will therefore be no more than about 4000 psi (actual calculated figure is 3850 psi).
It may seem low, however, remember, this is a ~0.2:1 C:B ratio launcher, so actually that's a bloody respectable average pressure.