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Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:13 am

Wow, that's pretty cool. Some serious power you got there.
Spudguns are pretty much illegal here in NZ too, but that doesn't stop me :wink:

You're from NRW, right? Always wanted to go there, only ever been to Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria though. I know several people in NRW I need to go and visit sometime but I haven't saved up enough money yet :D
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:18 am

MrCrowley wrote:Spudguns are pretty much illegal here in NZ too, but that doesn't stop me :wink:
As a licensed gun owner however he does have a lot to lose so I don't blame him for being careful ;)
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:22 am

jackssmirkingrevenge wrote:
MrCrowley wrote:Spudguns are pretty much illegal here in NZ too, but that doesn't stop me :wink:
As a licensed gun owner however he does have a lot to lose so I don't blame him for being careful ;)
Does he have a firearms licence? Doesn't that make it legal for him?

Well I do have $4000 and 6 months of my life to lose, but I gotta make life interesting, live on the edge ya know :wink: :D
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:39 am

MrCrowley wrote:Well I do have $4000 and 6 months of my life to lose
Not to mention the tightness of your rectal muscles :roll: :D
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:41 am

He would have to go through the process of making it within restrictions, getting it registered etc. Aka; a lot of work especially for a homemade firearm.

I'm still young enough that unless I committed a serious crime with one of my weapons it would only be confiscated and I would receive a caution. I even checked at the police station.
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:43 am

Thats cool! Totally insane. If wrist braces are illegal then whats this thing? Of course its not hand held and I'd love to see any silly villain try to rob a store with one of these!
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:45 am

inonickname wrote:He would have to go through the process of making it within restrictions, getting it registered etc. Aka; a lot of work especially for a homemade firearm.
More than that. You have to learn the craft of a gunsmith, three years for the bachelor and at least another three years for the master.

Then, you may receive the license to make guns and have them tested/approved/registered.

And a firearms license here is tied to a specific weapon, including the serial number. For each new one, you have to prove that you have a justified need for it.
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:47 am

Moonbogg wrote: If wrist braces are illegal then whats this thing?
Well, if it would have leg braces, I guess it would be illegal too. And the law only refers to portable slingshots. Is this still portable enough? Some judge may say yes to that question. Hence, no braces.
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:34 am

you have to prove that you have a justified need for it.
May I enquire to your legitimate needs for the number of guns you own :shock: ..
PimpAssasinG wrote:no im strong but you are a fat gay mother sucker that gets raped by black man for fun
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:55 am

inonickname wrote:
you have to prove that you have a justified need for it.
May I enquire to your legitimate needs for the number of guns you own :shock: ..
Sure. I bought most of them when they were still free, then the law got stricter. I applied for the licenses because otherwise, I would have lost my property, and I did so within the six month grace period. So I qualified and they had to issue the licenses.

They had to use five of them, one only holds 8 guns!
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:52 am

"I applied for the licenses because otherwise, I would have lost my property "

In the United States "Property" rights rules.

Licenses are to grant privileges.

Rights cannot/may not be licensed.

My shoes are my property and no license is required to own them.

I can do what I want with my shoes except to use them to injure someone or damage their property.

When the government licenses enters the equation, it becomes part owners of your property.

That is the basic problem with any government that interferes with your rights and/or your property.

If you would like to study the Constitution of the United States and understand property and rights, my suggestion is to view these 42 videos: ... y=bednarik

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Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:59 am

The German government follows other principles. Remember we never had a revolution, the "management" avoided this by giving the people just enough freedom so they don't fight. They see the people as a herd of sheep that needs rules. Rules that they define.

Here, owning guns clearly is a privilege. And a burden, because as a legal and licensed gun owner, they can come and search my house without a warrant. I had to give up an essential constitutional right just because I own guns. But it was either that or say goodbye to a collection that cost 30 k Euros.
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Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:05 am

JoergS wrote:The German government follows other principles. Remember we never had a revolution, the "management" avoided this by giving the people just enough freedom so they don't fight. They see the people as a herd of sheep that needs rules. Rules that they define.

Here, owning guns clearly is a privilege. And a burden, because as a legal and licensed gun owner, they can come and search my house without a warrant. I had to give up an essential constitutional right just because I own guns. But it was either that or say goodbye to a collection that cost 30 k Euros.
You are very wise.

Unfortunately many Americans take our Bill of Rights for granted.

Many people have devolved into becoming sheeple. Baah, Baah...

The videos are quite interesting.

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Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:00 am

Made this thing today. Slingshot, two automatic folding knives in the tip of the forks, and tear gas spray in the grip.

Video will follow!


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Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:03 am

May I ask why a man your size needs pepper spray and knives?

I find it amusing that wrist braces are illegal in Germany and yet there's no law against integrating two knives and pepper spray into a slingshot.

Edit: It's badass, but needs nails and barbed wire on it.
Last edited by inonickname on Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
PimpAssasinG wrote:no im strong but you are a fat gay mother sucker that gets raped by black man for fun
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