"Kennedy assasination" ice bullet myth

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Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:08 pm

geardog32 wrote:I may write the Mythbusters show and suggest it for one of there revisited shows.
They've already revisited it once already... although still with rifles.

But given the Mythbusters' track record of rather inefficient cannons, I'm sure they'd write it off as "Busted" simply based on the size of the cannon they'd need for the results to be considered fatal.

Still, I think with ice shaped into a foster slug shape and a decent high pressure cannon (probably between 0.5" and 1" bore), it would be possible to score a lethal hit that could leave no ballistics evidence - although the effective range of such is questionable.
Of course, the other issues such as the assassin (and the cannon) being able to leave the area without being identified still remain.
Does that thing kinda look like a big cat to you?
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Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:22 pm

Ragnarok wrote:But given the Mythbusters' track record of rather inefficient cannons, I'm sure they'd write it off as "Busted" simply based on the size of the cannon they'd need for the results to be considered fatal.
No doubt, remember the umbrella gun they had made? I cringed, so hard.
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Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:46 pm

@Jack: Well, that's partly why although I'd not be opposed to seeing the Mythbusters tackling things that could be seen as "Spudgun myths", I think they'd really need an outside expert in order to truly do the concept justice.

Unfortunately, some of their builds (not to mention their science) are highly questionable. Perhaps what I say is partly jealously inspired (heck, I'd love that job), but really, they do disappoint at times.
Does that thing kinda look like a big cat to you?
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Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:42 pm

Granted, but not as puerile as Braniac either, Mythbusters is much more enjoyable. In the same way that Scrapheap Challenge is, while Junkyard Wars isn't.
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Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:37 am

You could also stabilize a projectile by using materials of different densities on the front and back.
You could create bullets that are made out of ice and frozen meat, being a combination of the ice and frozen meat bullets.

Or even better: dry ice with a density of 1.4 to 1.6 g/cm3 combined with water ice with a density of about 0.92 g/cm³.
Heaviest material on the nose, lower density material on the tail.

Another method would be do solute stuff in the water to alter its density and/or strength.

I agree with the fact that Mythbusters way better then the fake Brainiac, yet sometimes Jamie and Adam make me think "I could've done that better." :)

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Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:50 pm

what would happen if you make a bullet out of blood then then it might last longer then ice just a thought
dont play with airsofter with 1000$ gun and play with a 5 dollar pair of glasses
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Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:10 am

twizi wrote:what would happen if you make a bullet out of blood then then it might last longer then ice just a thought
Blood coagulates so you're left with another problem entirely, anyway this discussion of "how I would have assasinated Kennedy" is hardly appropriate for this forum.
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Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:11 am

Their cannons are a joke. A lot of them are "hold unrated PVC pipe onto the end of a scuba tank with your bare hand an open the valve." Nearly always a gate valve.

How about something which could dissolve in the bloodstream like sugar, salt etc. Somehow formed into a projectile.
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Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:15 am

The accuracy problems apart, ice can make a very decent ammo.

Due to the crystalline nature of ice it is possible to refine it by using high pressure during the freezing process. For example an iceberg would never be able to slit open a ship until it wasn't compressed by it's own weight.
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