Hear hear, it was obligatory school reading and at the time I remember being amazed that my peers did not seem to be looking beyond the story.Zeus wrote:Ah, Lord of the Flies, it gave me my perspective on the sheeple. A wonderful book, much like The Death of Grass and 1984.
In regards to mobile phones, I've got no choice but to have at least one, we have no home line, the internet is wireless so it's also a phone.
Who needs a mobile phone anyways. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on this planet without one.
I feel the same way about facebook. I can't stand people, but occasionally force myself to go to social events in order to ensure that I don't start sitting on a bench shouting at busses before I'm 65 and in that vein, both facebook and a mobile phone are not essential but definitely helpful.
Sonims are great!
Nice anecdote, I'm defintiely tempted...