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Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:48 am

Women, obviously Smile and the men who let them out of the kitchen
lol the same conclusion
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:50 am

And the d*cks who force companies to have women and immigrants in their highest functions.
Being a director of a company is something you need to deserve, and fo yourself. Not something that can be pushed through someone's throat by a stupid rule.
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:53 am

POLAND_SPUD wrote:so what do you think, what caused it ?
In the U.S....Around 1960, people were becoming less self reliant and looking to / demanding that the govt give them what they need and want.

Envy......The have-nots want what their more successful neighbor has without putting in the effort to obtain it. If they're not successful in life....it must be the fault of those who have more.

Every society has its share of "Makers and Takers". Our officials cater to the takers in order to buy their votes. It only makes the situation worse.

The legal and education systems play a huge part in societies downfall also.

Far to many reasons to list!
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:17 am

naah personally I completelly agree with jsr...
Around 1960, people were becoming less self reliant and looking to / demanding that the govt give them what they need and want.
Or more precisely 'let's take stuff from men and give it to women'

women don't know what is good for them... giving them the right to decide, vote, divorce etc. is like children playing with matches

Now I am really happy there are no women on SF as on other forums this comment would surely start a 20-40 page long flamewar :P
Children are the future

unless we stop them now
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:20 am

IMHO, I believe that money has become the issue to a degree. Politicians have all been corrupted by their greed. They no longer care about the land the live in and have let it fall through the cracks. Not one leader in many long years has cared about their country, just money. That's just my opinion. No offense to anyone who may be a politician on spudfiles because if a politician is on here, they must be a good one. :lol:
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:21 am

For Jack & Poland.......I think you'll enjoy the sentiment :D

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:31 am

Mr.Tallahassee wrote:Politicians have all been corrupted by their greed.
Agreed....Politicians have become soooo dishonest. Years ago you could buy a politician. Now you can only rent them..... and chances are they'll default on their end of the deal! :D
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:50 am

POLAND_SPUD wrote:Now I am really happy there are no women on SF as on other forums this comment would surely start a 20-40 page long flamewar :P
That's the whole point - there are no women on spudfiles because it's men who have the curiousity and capacity to interact with the physical world.
Esther Vilar wrote:Girls are given dolls and boys are given train sets. While boys are learning to keep the wheels on the track girls are scolding and praising their dolls just like mommy does to them. Thus, the boy will become adept at manipulating the physical world and the girl will become adept at manipulating him into manipulating it for her.
Some quotes I think are relevant to the "pussyfication" of the west:
Starting 140 years ago, men were taken completely out of nature and sent in to the office and the factory where they manufacture and sell more items to make women's lives easier. Thus, men have been maneuvered into doing work that historically, for 2.2 million years, had been women's work: farming and making pots. Children were removed from the daily companionship of their dads where they exchanged energy sowing, reaping, fishing, repairing wagon wheels, investigating bird's nests and hollow logs; and they were shunted off to school where they were raised, by and large, by women.
It hasn't taken women very long to figure out that they can do men's work because, after all, now men's work is mostly all women's work.
The duration of modern childhood has become an oppression of men. The son who used to be available to help dad cut wood and catch food is still in school for fifteen more years! It is a genuine outrage that we have arrived at the societal consensus that the purpose of a man's life is to pay other people to raise his kids.
When I was a kid all the faces on TV were men. Now they're all women and manholes – even sportscasters. We are being hourly bombarded with gossip and snippets of information about how to do things that nobody is actually going to do. We've been bestowed the Fix-It-Philosophy, that if the President just does this or doesn't do that everything is going to be wonderful or awful. The media is guilty of government by gossip, and who are they serving? The people who do the shopping. The women.
And what of the male teachers? Undeniably there are many fine men and there need to be more in a country where 85% of all teachers are white women, but, a man who is less than a man can be more damaging to boys than a domineering mother. And the chance of hiring feminized men in schools is fairly high because those eligible and willing are those who made it through a feminized school system in good standing without conflict or failure.
Men protect weak females. It's in their memes. Women do not protect weak males – they despise them. Women are not solicitous providers for their men. They don't have any idea what that role would be; historically, biologically, sociologically, memetically, they aren't equipped for it. And that is why they will never lead this, or any other society, until they can show that they are responsive to the genuine needs of their men. Right now, we're upholding their dignity while they squat peeing in our shoes.
It is important to remember that each year over 97% of all husbands do not resort to violence in their relationships. Considering the sheer amount of verbal abuse we withstand that statistic amazes me.
There's a lot more but I don't want people thinking I'm some sort of mysogynist ;)
For Jack & Poland.......I think you'll enjoy the sentiment :D
Nice one :) well as long as they know their limits ;)
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:57 am

I don't think politicians have been corrupted so much as americans in general... politicians are just lucky/cut-throat enough to end up in a position that rewards greed and corruption.
Remember, we wouldn't have so many lawyers today if there was no need for them. People have always tried to get something for nothing, but now they can do it legally through the court system and no one will question it.

Oh, and JSR, I do remember one girl on 4HV not to long ago. Just one, haha.
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:04 pm

Fnord wrote:Remember, we wouldn't have so many lawyers today if there was no need for them. People have always tried to get something for nothing, but now they can do it legally through the court system and no one will question it.
That's just terrible. This was mentioned a couple of pages ago, all the courts do is redistribute wealth, not create it.

Fear China!
I do remember one girl on 4HV not to long ago. Just one.

:D :D :D
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:07 pm

May I point out that I have got two non-lesbian girls in my class? :D
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:13 pm

Labtecpower wrote:May I point out that I have got two non-lesbian girls in my class? :D
... no doubt there to learn how to machine high-tech phalli in a cunning move to render men obsolete!

hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:14 pm

Labtecpower wrote:May I point out that I have got two non-lesbian girls in my class? :D
The Rosie O'donald kind or the frilly little skirt, high heels and angelic face kind? It makes a difference.
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:17 pm

My brother was a victim of reverse discrimination due to the Affirmative Action Plan. He applied for an apprentice position at Bonneville Power Administration. He had the highest test score, but wasn't a protected minority.

Clearly seeing discrimination at work in government is why I applied and now work in Research and Development in private industry. Affirmative Action is not Equal Opportunity. It is Discrimination based on skin color, race, ethnicity, or other status.
Now I am really happy there are no women on SF
Did they leave? Last time I ran a poll, there were a couple. They must not say much here.

Hmm, Just checked the poll. Did not specify women..
http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/spudfil ... 18449.html
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Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:22 pm

how to machine high-tech phalli in a cunning move to render men obsolete!
they can already do that (you can see videos on www.-censored-.com ) :D

uhmm ok here is a theory.... something more scientific, so to speak -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth_bulge#Youth_bulge

Ok so here is how it goes... there are no wars that reduce the number of men in population... less men and more women = men have more to say as they are so scarce

So in other words - since less man die in the western societies they have to be more competitive to get women, that made it easier for them (women) to gain more and more 'rights' (or priviledges :-D )

at least that's teh way I see it

soo what I am suggesting as a solution is - 'let's build some weapons and start WW III' :D
Children are the future

unless we stop them now
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