As there's epoxy involved you'll have to wait at least 24 hours to see it in action, but here's the whole thing in the meantime, obviously needs finishing.
Already looks better then my one cant wait for damage, how heavy is the blade part? With the plastic back it should be quite front heavy and hopefully make it fly straight.
When you do shoot it keep the pressure low and build up, the recoil is really bad at 300psi I need to hand to hold onto the thing.
'' To alcohol... The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.”
--Homer Simpson
jsr, that is awesome! if it would have little longer, dagger style blade, that has been heat treated springy, that would be deadly, and you would get little more fps with lighter blade
if it would have little longer, dagger style blade, that has been heat treated springy, that would be deadly, and you would get little more fps with lighter blade
Are you suggesting a joint effort
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
my man sized ballistic knife will be up next week. i made the main parts in the spring but my machine shop closes for the summer so ill do the final touches on wednesday
jakethebeast wrote:mayby could you give me the measurements and weight of the blade?
If we're going to collaborate I'll start from scratch, this was just a rough prototype how much would a 5 inch or so version of this blade set me back?
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
jakethebeast wrote:mayby could you give me the measurements and weight of the blade?
If we're going to collaborate I'll start from scratch, this was just a rough prototype how much would a 5 inch or so version of this blade set me back?
The Fairbairn Sykes...what a surprise for you to choose that by the way if you have one of those FS knives made request a thicker tang, that 1/8" piece of steel is as I understand, a notorious weak spot.
Edit: Screw you guys, I'm gonna go find a spring
PimpAssasinG wrote:no im strong but you are a fat gay mother sucker that gets raped by black man for fun