Those sound like some good points, velocity.
Spud Destruction, I'm sure I've mentioned before that your channel as the potential to take advantage of a special YouTube niche currently vacant. My channel is too sporadic with posting videos and has little structure. I rarely talk and don't have great production value yet my channel, and others like it, will still do ok.
Your channel has a much greater chance of actually becoming something bigger than any other spudgun channel. If you combine a bit of what I do (videos on raw destruction/showing off cannons) and what you currently do, you'll end up with a channel similar to
mastermilo82. A channel like that has a good balance between entertainment, destruction, production value and substance. It's at a point where the people behind the channel have a personality in their videos their subscribers are familiar with.
More along the lines of what velocity is suggesting, you'd end up with a channel similar to the slow-mo guys. You could venture in to how-to guides showing YouTubers how to make some decent pneumatic cannons. There aren't any how-to's on youtube for pneumatic cannons that have a good production value and are filmed and narrated well.
Aside from that; maybe just change the location, targets, projectiles and cannon every now and then. Joerg of the SlingshotChannel is a good example of this; though I doubt anyone here can keep up with Joerg as he's making awesome, new slingshots each week.
It's a shame we're on the other sides of the world. I reckon my combination of cannons and your guys' combination of commitment, production value and on-air personality could really make a decent channel