With one spring keeping the piston and poppet in place...I knew you'd say that.
The way you portrayed it will have the poppetthingy sqeeze off the O-ring..
I realised I should have drawn the hammervalve type in the first place after I uploaded it.
The reason I didn't change it is because with a sharp enough spike, you'd need less force to hammer it at 80 bar+
The "gun"that would fire the cartridge would also be evidently different from a firearm, wich would be smart to avoid a misunderstanding about it's legality.
It should also have a ridge to extract the cartridge from ., perhaps.a..breakaction doublebarrel?. 8)
..and the cartridge is then put into the bottom of the pump so the plunger can stay in..
It would be nice if the concept could be put together with mostly standard parts..
Hmm...what could we use...?
Poppetvalve would be a screw..piston could be solid neoprene...
I'm more interested in learning if anybody has tried something like it...and if it worked well..
I'd like a 8-10mm projectile and still shoot clean through a steel can.
Assuming the cartrigde would just about fill up 3/4 length of a slightly fattened sawed-off...
What kind of pressure would it take if the cartridge would be 22-25mm O.D.?
I'll start on a muzzleloader-flintlock style musket first.
Hmm...High pressure, relatively low volume ( for a spudgun).
I'll make an O-ringed reservoirbaffle that I can space with different length barrel sleeves.
Pressure will force it against the muzzle-plug and O-ring friction will keep it there.
This way I can easily change the desired reservoirvolume and power versus number of pumpstrokes and determine the point of deminishing returns.
Essentially this will tell me what size cartridge will do what.
Yep....seems like I got work to do...