Pneumatic Golf Ball Gun

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Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:16 pm

I'm trying to come up with a great design for a charity here in the US that wishes to use a golf ball gun at their golf course events. I'm not the average joe, and I have abundant access to machines, manual and cnc as well as tooling and such.

The goal is to have a cannon that can launch a ball at it's max settings down a golf course hole 450 to 550 yards.

We'd like to have the gun C02 powered or compressed air. I'm wondering if using a mechanism to compress the pin at the top of a C02 tank would allow for the proper flow / acceleration necessary to propel a golf ball such a distance?

The first photo is pretty much the chamber. You pull the trigger and it opens up the air way letting the air go... propelling the ball. The second photo is the overall design.

Thank you for any input.

My initial design looks as follows: (the chamber parts are not fully imaged.)


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Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:33 pm

You're going to need a dump valve. Weather it be piston, QEV or quick dump it's going to have to handle and operate under high pressure to launch those ranges with a hand held size launcher.

If you search the archives you will notice that it's the cannon size launchers with barrel sealing piston valves reaching those distances.

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Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:14 am

Very cool rendering and very creative design!

...but, I think you are definitely over complicating things. I recently made a golfball gun for a family friend to replace his driver (which he can no longer hit due to a recent procedure) and even with a 1" by 10" chamber feeding a 3/4" QEV to a 24" barrel, I was consistently getting 400 yards at 400psi. With that being an 800psi capable gun, I think its more than enough for what you want to achieve in a very compact, simple package.

Attached, what I'm talking about:
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Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:09 am

Reminds me of the Gunpower Stealth:


As others have said, you're going to need a more efficient valve. Also, go for compressed air. CO2 is a great compact pressure source but is very sensitive to temperature and messy to work with.
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Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:11 pm

Just wondering, would an oversized qev( you have tools as you said so you might want a big valve for better launching) be a slightly better idea? The way I se it is if you adjust the air tank a little you could probably use CO2 as a filler and the chamber as the gas container for the shot. But one thin I suggest is a PVC barrel that is covered by another pipe/ fitting for a breech near the beginning of the barrel so the breech cover slides forward( makes for simple loads and a detent will keep in the ball).
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