Hi I'm new to this forum.
I've made an moderatedly good airgun already which consists of
1"copper pipe with end stop for the tank filled with a bike valve.
Then that feeds into a lever ball valve
The barrel is 1/2" copper pipe.
All of these joined with compression fittings and epoxy
I want to add a 5mm barrel to the 1/2" valve but don't know how best to do it?
Also besides adding a spring to the valve is there anything else I could do to make it more powerful?
Ball valve .177 BB gun
What I've done is epoxied a 5mm tube into the 1/2" copper tube. This power is alright. It goes thru a sheet of plywood. the barrel is made of brass and I think it's a little bent. I can pump to 300psi then release with bungee cord. Hopeing to put a scope on it and maybe hit some tin cans!