I came across this "sand blaster" which is a pneumatic cannon that projects a frozen bait mold up to 300 yards.
However, it is priced at $900 plus an additional $100 for shipping, which I'm not willing to spend. So I started doing some research to make a DIY setup and found an overwhelming amount of information on all the various types of spud cannons. I figured why not ask the guys with some experience to help start me off in the right direction.
So here's my goals:
-I want to make something similar but dont plan on freezing my baits in any sort of mold. I figured perhaps a piston of some sort can launch my bait and sinker instead of freezing the whole thing.
-Bait and sinker would have a combined weight from 8 oz to 16 oz+... up to 20 oz
-preferred bore diameter of at least 2.5 inches... 3 inch is ideal
-aiming at a range of about 200 yards, 130 yards minimum.
-dont plan on investing in air compressor
-ignition of fuels legal here in MD
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance