Cannon for launching fishing bait

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Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:53 pm

Hello everyone, new to the site.

I came across this "sand blaster" which is a pneumatic cannon that projects a frozen bait mold up to 300 yards.

However, it is priced at $900 plus an additional $100 for shipping, which I'm not willing to spend. So I started doing some research to make a DIY setup and found an overwhelming amount of information on all the various types of spud cannons. I figured why not ask the guys with some experience to help start me off in the right direction.

So here's my goals:

-I want to make something similar but dont plan on freezing my baits in any sort of mold. I figured perhaps a piston of some sort can launch my bait and sinker instead of freezing the whole thing.

-Bait and sinker would have a combined weight from 8 oz to 16 oz+... up to 20 oz

-preferred bore diameter of at least 2.5 inches... 3 inch is ideal

-aiming at a range of about 200 yards, 130 yards minimum.

-dont plan on investing in air compressor

-ignition of fuels legal here in MD

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance ;)
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Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:15 pm

OMFG! The prices are ludicrous its almost an insult! a 7ft barrel for $100, a spudgun with a lame ball valve a Chinese compressor and a mold for the bait $999 and they patented it :evil: .

Good thing you have brains and decided to learn and make your own, a combustion will be the easiest but probably will be inferior to a pneumatic, i recommend a pneumatic made with an QEV (Quick Exaust Valve) as they are simple and work fine, if you want serious performance or you get caught in the hobby you could make a piston valve, but i have to say i'm not an expert in pneumatic launchers so i can't give you an exact layout, if you don't want to buy one of those Chinese compressors as the one used by "BUF" you could use a hand pump but you would have to do some exercise to pump the gun. Remember to always use pressure rated pipe and primer, here in the forum are plenty of information available to make your launcher.

You could use a sabot made out of a plastic cup or something similar but the bait could detach from the hook in mid air, i think freezing the bait will be better as it not only prevents the bait from breaking but also it will have better external ballistics and you don't throw rubbish.
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Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:20 am

A combustion with metered fuel and large enough combustion chamber should easily chuck those projectiles from 3" bore to those distances with ease...

And if not, go hybrid :D
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Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:44 pm

Thanks for the reply guys!

So it looks like I should be able to achieve my target range using a pneumatic system with some sort of a disposable piston for my non frozen baits... if not I can always mold frozen projectiles for additional distance.

The "sand blaster" uses a 7 ft barrel with just 100 psi of air, and a lever activated trigger to release the air. I think a pressure rated PVC can handle 100 psi, right? It would need a pressure gauge, and for the filler valve I can use whats used on bicycle and car tires. This way I can use a bicycle pump to charge... or a electric pump we can power from our vehicle. I still gotta do more research, but a QEV or other valve systems should be able to use the air more efficiently than whats on the sand blaster I'm assuming. Any idea what theyre using?

Also, is there any single source where I could acquire all these materials from? I got a feeling home depot or lowes might not cut it.

I'll post progress as I go and check up with you guys. Thanks again!
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Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:42 am

Just so you know, most bait shops sell PVA bags that dissolve when in water... you could probably use those instead of a "sabot".

Good luck!
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Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:07 pm

^Thanks, I'll look into it. Hopefully wet, bloody baits wont dissolve the bag too quickly!

Also, Ive been looking into a 5 gallon bead sealer for a safe alternative to a PVC pressure tank.

Not bad for around $50, eh?
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Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:10 pm

^ It looks like this :

Its used to inflate car tires... usually low profile. With an all metal construction, It should be reliable time after time and in all temps.
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Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:00 pm

The biggest challenge to reaching 200 yards is going to be the aerodynamics of the ammo. A lead sinker will no doubt fly pretty well but the bait probably has pretty low sectional density. It'll be like trying to throw a balloon 20 yards.

Plus, you'll be dragging the fishing line. (On the plus side the trailing line can keep the round oriented properly so you don't need fins or rifling.)

I would take any published range with a huge grain of salt. If they claim 300 yards I would expect 150 yards in real world situations. (And even 150 yards with anything that isn't basically a bullet is pushing it.)
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