goathunter wrote: )Demon( ,correct if I'm wrong but this has been my experience with Kenyans.I'm sure its very similar with all of Africa.
You are correct in everything you said but that is not the whole problem. I can't really give you an answer, a lot of the squatters are illegal immigrants. The South African squatters are very lazy as well, no motivation. Like you said, only caring about the present. AIDS is a huge problem because they like to make babies so much, they can't support families but they don't care. They leave the children anyway. That leads to even more poverty,( people being uneducated, can't afford anything), thus the destruction of the enviroment and killing of all the animals, spreading of AIDS, increased crime rate, over population, pollution (severe), ect.
Africa is truly F***ed. There is nothing that can be humanely done to fix it.
But it doesn't matter really. An ice age is coming and that can't really be stopped. Natures way of correcting itself. How it works is before each ice age the co2 content of the athmoshere has peaked, they can tell this by looking at the layers of ice in the Antarctic, the ice being a record of major geological events and all. They can track what happened very acurately with the ice, they can see when the co2 content in the athmoshere has peaked in the past just before each ice age. Where we stand currently the co2 content is off the charts. What does that mean? One big ass ice age.
Scientists have determined that an ice age can occur in 10 years and guess one could occur within the next few hundred years. This is all caused by global warming (irroncially will make everything very cold) and global waming can't really be stopped because America (no offense), the biggest contributor to global warming isn't cooperating to help prevent it. (not only America). After that we will all be dead, leaving some other species to take over.
Hell, I am not saying my opinion is right, I may even be wrong, so no need to flame me. I don't even know if those facts are correct but one thing is for sure, if left in its current state the world is doomed. I can't do anything to stop it.
Forever dreaming...