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for my double barrel I am going to use 2 4 and 3/4 inch by 3/ 8 inch barrels, and the chamber is going to be a travel size axe deoderant stick tube which is about 3 inches long, 2 inches wide, and an inch tall, so it will be about 5 cubic inches
the stock is just gonna be the long nosed lighter handle thing which is gonna have the trigger in it and it will have the refeulable butane capsule in it, then to air it out, I just blow in one barrel, and out comes air from the other, I never will have to open the cap
the stock is just gonna be the long nosed lighter handle thing which is gonna have the trigger in it and it will have the refeulable butane capsule in it, then to air it out, I just blow in one barrel, and out comes air from the other, I never will have to open the cap
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- Urban Ninja
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Black sounds good. Gold leaf for a vintage style shotgun would look great. And just a note to darkpyro, you are a genius. I would have never ever thought of using a water gun of some kind!! Im making one as soon as I can go to the mall. Thanks.
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I just finished my double barrel shotgun, it is pretty crude, and doesnt look much like a shotgun, but it serves its purpose, I haven't been able to fire any ammo out yet, but it puts out a hell of a flame, I dont have to take the cap off which is nice, but I think I might need to get a bigger chamber, we will see how the ammo shots go tomorrow, Ill also post pics tomorrow
Urban Ninja, I want to see some damage pics from yours
Urban Ninja, I want to see some damage pics from yours
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- Urban Ninja
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Sure Ill post some tomorow. Its australia day today and were having a bbq so getting a mini double barreled shotgun isnt a good idea! Use potato it works amazing. Sometimes if one barrell is quite a lot tighter than the other only on barrel is shot, so you need to get it about the same.
i am thinking of makeig a double barrled shout gun out of pvc but im planing on makeing it pretty small. i was think about a 1cm barrels and a 5cm combustion chamber do you guys have any bright ideas of how to attach the barrels nice and tight

- Urban Ninja
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If you have a pot like a pill one just get a blow torch and heat the end of the pipes a bit, whilst holding with pliers
. Then just ram it in. Put epoxy around it and it should be fine. Its what I did for all my minis and not one has exploded.

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I am doing a pneumatic with a remote control airplane 10 ounce fuel tank and a tube that works for BBs. I am going to do burst discs because I have no valves. the barrel is about 3 feet long. I hope it doesnt explode
If anything the schraeder valve would shoot out I think, I epoxied it in the side.
If anything the schraeder valve would shoot out I think, I epoxied it in the side.
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my site, nothing on it yet
- Urban Ninja
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Are you going to post any pictures? I guess you have not tested it. Sounds good though.

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Vote for Killagorilla99 AKA KillaSuperHumanRabbitOnCrackx99
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I just sprayed a coat of window tint on the fuel tank, when the tint dries I will post my pics. The paint job gonna look really crappy because i started to paint it orange and it ran out before I even got one side done, so I sprayed the tint on with some wet orange on. Ill probably have pics up tonight some time
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my site, nothing on it yet
- Urban Ninja
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Yeah do you ever find that you build an awesome spudgun, you glue it perfectly and then you spray it but the paint doesnt stick to the plastic? I have had this problem with some of my minis that is why they are covered in tape and not painted. It does not sticK!!!

To Be Feared If Not Respected
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give the pvc a very light sanding to losen up and open small pors to retain the paint. remember LIGHT SANDING 

- Urban Ninja
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Thanks a lot! You have just saved a lot of guns from the scrapheap.
EDIT. Sorry for the delay cardinals but here they are. Sorry for the crap pics too. My video camera is charging.
EDIT. Sorry for the delay cardinals but here they are. Sorry for the crap pics too. My video camera is charging.

To Be Feared If Not Respected
Vote for Killagorilla99 AKA KillaSuperHumanRabbitOnCrackx99
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I still havent tested my BB gun, It is combustion now instead of pneumatic, and I think the spark may be failing me know, either that or I suck at getting the fuel mixture right, which I think its the second cause it fires some times, and not others, most of the time it does fire I have to blow it out some first. Im gonna try and test it out today, If I get some BBs from my friend
http://ultimatehobbies.7.forumer.com/in ... c6aff553ef
my site, nothing on it yet
my site, nothing on it yet